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(Note- While you are reading this please play the song above, trust me...you will feel everything is real:-))

This is how the story began-

In this story, you are a very simple girl who is very sweet.You help everyone in difficult times Your nature is very shy,You are very naive in this,But besides being innocent, You are very stubborn in this,you are also very intelligent.You love animals very much You are the only daughter of your parents who love you very much.

In this story, you are a school student and you are 19 years old.You walk to school from your home early in the morning.But your mother explains to you everyday that these are very bad times, walking alone on the road is not free from danger. But you don't listen to your parents, you ignore them and go to school....

You go to school like everyday but one day while you were on your way to school you were laughing and playing, You were sitting on a bench at the bus stop waiting for the bus, when you saw a kitten playing near a tree in the distance.He wasn't very small, you were looking for the cat's mother here and there but you couldn't see her, he was alone, You were very happy to see him from a distance, seeing him playing, a smile came on your face

Then you heard the sound of a car coming from that direction, but suddenly the kitten's ball fell on the road, you were shocked, the car was coming closer and closer,You could have stopped that car by waving your hand, but then you went to the kitten to save it, and the car stopped very close to you...

-In car-

???- I want that man at any cost. (Angry tone)
Bodyguard- Sir, the kitten is playing on the road ahead (hesitate tone)
???- What do I do in that, (confidence ans)
Bodyguard- but Sir that is a very small kitten
???- Finish it, I don't show mercy to anyone, this is what will happen to anyone who comes in my way (he said while creepy smile)
Bodyguard- ok sir..

(in phone)
???- And I want all his call records, with whom has he been talking
Other side- Yes sir, I will collect everything and give it to you today itself.
???- Good, I want everything to be done on time or else..... ( He said while right eyebrow raised)
Other side- No sir, you will not get a chance to complain!
???- yeahh..good!!!
(hangs up phone)

Then suddenly the bodyguard stops the car

???- what the helll?? Who told you to stop the car?
Bodyguard- sir...The girl suddenly came in front of the car
???- fuck off!! These crazy girls have to die under my car.. (he said while instantly smirking with smile)
Bodyguard- ahh- I will see it sir, don't worry...
???- Look quickly who is this crazy girl!!
(Rolled eyes)

*He nodded as head*

Bodyguard- heyyy you girl, are you out of your mind..are you blind, don't you see the car??
Yn- yeah...And I want to ask you the same question, did you not see this kitten..huh!?
Bodyguard- I don't want to argue with you, get out of my way quickly
Yn- But I want to argue with you, say sorry quickly
Bodyguard- I don't have the time to listen to your nonsense right now.
Yn- Okay, I'm not moving from my path until you say sorry to this kitten....

*Inside car*
???- I don't know why it is taking him so long..
(in a very angry)
???- wtf---- I can't see anything from here, I guess I'll have to go out and see... (Frustation tone)
Because of this girl, all my work will be ruined today....ahhhhhh (he became enraged)

-Outside car-
Bodyguard- It would be best for you to get out of my way, otherwise My boss will know that you won't survive...

Yn- ohh Really..I am not afraid of your threats, I am not afraid of your boss...
Bodyguard- Youu crazy gir-------
(Cutt off by his boss)

𝗠𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 [Taehyung ff]Where stories live. Discover now