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"Tzuyu? What happened to you?" Nayeon asked when I showed up on Monday with a black eye and a bandage on my stomach which was not visible though as it was under my shirt. She ran up to me and hugged me which made me groan in pain. She looked at me and lifted my shirt just enough to see the bandage. "What the heck!?" she exclaimed.

"Nayeon, what did you do to Sana?" I asked, pretending I knew nothing.


"I said, what did you do to Sana. You can't expect me to have beaten myself up do you?" I said angrily. "What did you do?"

"We just gave her anesthetic and locked her in a container with anesthetic gas, it wasn't anything that bad-"

"You did what!? You almost killed the girl! Are you out of your mind? And the funny thing is, they thought I told you to do it and Momo came to me outside the supermarket and beat the hell out of me! Why on earth would you do that?" I had started yelling without realizing it and whoever walked past us was looking at us weirdly. And of course the J-GANG would walk past us at that time.


We walked down the corridor and heard a furious Tzuyu shouting to Nayeon. I noticed later she had a black eye.

"Guys what-"

At that time, Momo went closer to Tzuyu and punched her in the stomach which made Tzuyu groan in pain and, to my surprise, I saw tears coming out of her eyes.

"How's the stomach Miss Korea?" Momo said mockingly and we walked away. I turned around to see Nayeon patting Tzuyu's back while she had folded her body and had placed her hands over her stomach.

"Momo what was that?" I asked her. She didn't reply so I grabbed her wrist and made her turn back to face me. "I asked you something. What did you do to her?"

"Nothing she didn't deserve." she said and pulled her hand. "The day you were attacked, I accidentally found her outside a supermarket in my neighborhood and gave her a bit of a lesson."

"For heaven's sake, what for?"

"Because it was obviously her idea to lock you up in a container full of anesthetic gas! Don't you remember how she treated you when you first came?"

"I do but are you positive it was her who gave the idea?" I asked. Momo remained silent and looked at the ground. "Momo! Since you aren't sure how can you go and beat the hell out of her?"

"Well, it's not like she doesn't deserve it after everything she and her gang have done to us. Besides why do you care? She's just another rival who we are supposed to take down any way we can. And we won't stop until we do so. Now come, we were told to not leave you alone." she said and we walked toward Lit.


During Lit, I was extremely bored. I requested permission and went to the bathroom. I was about to enter the girls' restroom when I heard a groan from inside. I stood outside and took a glance to see Tzuyu. She had lifted her shirt a bit and I noticed she had a bandage wrapped around her waist. She slowly started unwrapping it letting out small groans while doing so. I felt bad for her because she might have done nothing and, if that was indeed the case, she didn't deserve to be in such pain.

After a while, she finished unwrapping the bandage and pulled it of her stomach. I let out a small gasp and covered my mouth immediately hoping she hadn't heard me. Turned out she hadn't because she let out a groan just in time to cover my gasp. Her stomach was bruised everywhere but she was very hot.

What? What the hell am I thinking?

"Is anything wrong?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized Tzuyu had seen me standing outside the door. Damn, she had heard me. She had covered her stomach fortunately and I just looked up at her in surprise.

"N-no I'm good. What happened to you?" I asked pretending that I knew nothing.

"Oh um why don't you ask your friends?" she said ironically. She started making her way out but she stopped and turned around. "Besides, why would you care?" She made a step closer to me and for some reason I could feel my heart rate go up. Why was this happening to me?

"I-I... I just saw you cry earlier in the corridor and it didn't really seem like you." I said bluntly.

"I didn't cry. My eyes just got teary because of your stupid friend."

"Hey, don't call my friends stupid!" I said and went closer to her. We were really close now and I remember the last time something like that had happened. I could handle it. Now something made me feel weird. I looked up at her. She was very pretty. She looked down at me too and stared straight into my eyes. Something about me liked our looking into each other's soul and suddenly she moved her body closer to mine. I felt her hands grab my waist and pull me closer. Our bodies bumped onto each other and I heard her groan but she didn't move away. Now we were extremely close. I touched her hands with my hands-



I had removed my bandage and heard a faint gasp from the door. I didn't turn immediately but when I did I saw Sana standing outside the bathroom door.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked while covering my stomach and putting the bandage in the side pocket of my jeans.

"N-no I'm good. What happened to you?" I was actually kind of surprised when she asked that because I thought she told Momo to come and find me.

"Oh um why don't you ask your friends?" I said ironically and started making my way out. I stopped and turned back to look at her as a thought came to my mind. "Besides, why would you care?" I made a step closer to her and waited for her reply.

"I-I... I just saw you cry earlier in the corridor and it didn't really seem like you." she said after a few seconds.

"I didn't cry. My eyes got teary because of your stupid friend." I told her angrily. I saw that she also got mad.

"Hey, don't call my friends stupid!" she said and made a step towards me. I felt weird. I had never felt that way with anyone else. I looked down at her since she was looking at me too. Her eyes were gorgeous. Something must have really gotten over me because I moved closer and pulled her from the waist. The way I pulled her made her bump onto my stomach which hurt but I didn't pull away. I liked our contact and I didn't wanna let go. We were very close and I felt her hands touch mine-


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