ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ (?) 🍓 |ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ

868 50 11

"I remember you, my dear husband."

Furina held you tight as all the memories of you together flashed before her very eyes. All of the events leading up to this moment were overwhelming.

But worry immediately washed over her when she pulled away from the hug.

"Wait, what happened when I....? Are you okay?! Did you pull through on your own??"

You shook your head.

"That doesn't matter anymore."


Furina knew that there were things that you were hiding, but she didn't want to bring up such sensitive topics.

Especially since this was supposed to be a good moment between the two of you.

Furina held your hand, and your eyes softened.

"Things will be different in this timeline. I will make sure of it."


"Oh, thank goodness you're alright! Are you feeling better? Any pain?"

Your Grandma looked at you, worried about your well-being.

You were luckily discharged from the hospital a day early, so you were back to work. Well, not really. You couldn't do anything without your grandma checking up on you every five minutes.

You quickly brushed off her concern.

"I'm alright. I just pulled another all-nighter and forgot to eat."

Your grandma scoffed as she crossed her arms and shook her head.

"I told you to stop doing that! Skipping meals and not sleeping is going to cut off a big chunk of your life. You'll die early, you know!"

You thought carefully about her words.

Die early...? You didn't want to die. At least, not yet. You still wanted to spend time with Furina.

Especially since you were together again.

You thought about the things you did in a fit of rage.

Once Furina died, you spiraled into a cycle of madness, craving the warmth that was no longer there.

But now that it was back... you couldn't help but feel... guilty?

Would Furina be upset if you told her about the selfish things you've done?

You hope not. That's why you will enjoy yourself for now. You knew you were being selfish, but you didn't want to see her cry anymore.


"How amazing! Now we can do the things we've planned, but never got to!"

Furina slowly swung your intertwined hands back and forth and smiled. You smiled back at her, but it wasn't your usual smile. It held a heavy feeling to it.

"Hm... we're not married in this timeline, so we'll have to get married again. Hey, N/n. What do you think we should do?"


You stopped walking, and Furina halted her movements as well.

"It's your choice. You don't have to marry me again..Everything seems to be going well for you in the timeline. I don't want to intrude."

Furina's eyes widened at your words.

"What are you talking about?? Of course I want to marry you again!"

Furina slightly lifted up your face so that you were looking directly at her.

"I'll do it five hundred, no, a million times! In every life, I'll always fall for you. You saved me, and I'll always thank you for that!"

'You saved me too,' you thought.

But Furina's words were pure.

While Furina was saying she would willingly stay by your side, you, on the other hand, needed her.

You couldn't live without her.

You couldn't..


Furina looked worried when she saw how conflicted you looked with each word you spoke.

"I'm not the kind of person you think I am.. I'm not like you.. I'm..?"

You tried to find the right word to describe yourself. There were so many, yet none at all.


What were you?

Were you.. selfish? Right or wrong? Unforgivable..? A monster??!!

Would you even call yourself a human in this timeline?

If you told her the truth, would she leave???

You didn't want her to leave, but would saying that out loud label you as selfish? Were you??

"Y/n, you have to tell me what's wrong.."

You debated on hugging her. You didn't want to touch her with your once bloodied hands. It would not only bring harm to her, but yourself as well.

You looked down at your hands. They were shaking again.

Something cold touched Furina's nose, and her first instinct was to look up at the sky. It was snowing...

"I've missed you so much. Back in Teyvat, when you were gone, I longed to see you again and tell you many things I never got to, but now that you're in front of me.. I dont know where to even start. I'm lost.. I did horrible things that you'll hate me for and have hurt many because of my own selfish emotions and desires. I'm afraid to tell you everything..."


Furina reached out her hand and put a hand on your cheek. You avoided her gaze.

You knew she was going to blame herself for everything you were currently dealing with. You hated when she did that. All of this was your fault.

You did this to yourself, and there was nothing you could do about it.

"I'm afraid you'll leave me.."

"I won't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know you more than anyone."

Furina moved closer and wrapped her arms around you, bringing you into a tight hug.

"I sort of have an idea of what happened, but.."

Furina looked at you with determined eyes.

"Please, tell me everything."


A/n: Modern au is complete! Now we just wait for Y/n's villain arc and backstory.

Thank you for reading, and have an amazing day/night! 👋 ❤️

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