𝟐𝟎| 𝖇𝖆𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖘

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warning ⚠️; sexual content in this chapter!

AFTER MARIA HEADED TO TOWN with Sawyer and Rat to spend a nice day with the little boy before the little family would head back to Charming tomorrow morning, Happy took advantage of a quiet moment and slipped out the back door.

His cell already in his hand, he dialed Jax' number, the device pressed against his ear as he paced around impatiently. Baxter followed every step, his tail wagging as his puppy eyes scanned the ground, looking for anything interesting.

"Yeah?" Jax' slightly stressed voice immediately sent a bad feeling in the pit of Happy's stomach.

"Everything okay?", he asked with a rasp, lowering his voice so Tesss wouldn't hear him. "Any news about Cal?"

"Nah man, we didn't find him", Jax sighed, followed by a bitter snort as he rubbed a hand down his face, which Happy couldn't see. "But he turned himself in, probably knew he's a dead man if we find him. He's much safer behind bars."

"He did what?!", Happy barked into the phone through gritted teeth, the muscles in his jaw twitching violently as he clenched it.

"Sorry man", Jax replied, sounding just as pissed as Happy. Cal not only hurt Tessa, he had also hurt Tara and Jax wanted revenge for that. They also couldn't risk Cal snitching on them. "We'll find a way to get him, but we need to be smart. Who knows what he'll tell them about us."

Oh, Cal was a dead man, absolutely.

"Keep me updated. I'll be back tomorrow, then we gonna have to find a solution", the SAA sneered, the urge to try out every single torture method on that fucker growing.

"We will, bro", assured the blonde over the phone, another sigh falling from his lips. "Aight, gotta go. We'll talk tomorrow."

Happy grunted as the line died, only the dial tone remaining. Taking a deep breath that didn't help, Happy kicked over one of the white garden chairs, making a loud, rumbling noise. He picked the chair up again with a grumble, it was his mother's garden after all, before walking over to his bike, whistling Baxter with him.

How was he supposed to protect Tessa and Sawyer if he himself might end up in jail? If Cal said even the tiniest word about them holding him in the cabin and planning to kill him, he and the others would probably have to serve time for months, if not years.

But Cal couldn't really prove anything. Only the people from the porn studio had seen the little fight between Cal and Happy, how the Killer almost beat him to death, but none of them would say anythingᅳ at least that's what Happy hoped.

Letting out a snort, Happy shook his head on the way to his bike, from which he took one of the magazines and then disappeared into the house. While Baxter made himself comfortable on the armchair in the living room, Happy searched his way through the house until he found Tessa in her old room, for which Maria had given up her guest room so that the girl could have her own space.

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