LXII. The Actual Truth.

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Both of you arrived at Seventeen's head office. Many didn't know you there since it was just your second time going there. The first was at night so noone noticed you.
You and Seungcheol walked towards the meeting area. There were a few people.

"Good Morning, sir!", they greeted. Seungcheol nodded and took a seat while you stood behind him.
"Can we have your signature here?", they asked. Seungcheol went through the papers and signed them. "Thanks...!"
"Now we can start!", they said and the room blacked out, projector projecting something.

After five minutes, the boss pulled you on his lap.
"What the fuck are you-"
"Not gonna seduce me?", he asked. "Not gonna make me harder?"
You gulped at his dominant gaze.
Noone was looking at both of you, the one explaining decided to unsee everything and continue, you kissed his lips and started moving on his lap.
"My cockslut!", he pinched your waist making you whimper yet kept moving.
"Fuck, sweetheart! If you keep doing that, I might just cum."

You got up after a while. Seungcheol sighed feeling himself leaking at the minor lap dance. The vampire breathe out while you were tittering.
The meeting ended after an hour.

"How's the plan, sir?"
"It's fine. I'll work with it.", Seungcheol said and got up.
Everyone bowed and walked out after receiving approval.
"Hm... I feel like-", you were about to say something when the boss pulled you under him on the table.
"Fuck, sweetheart! I'm leaking, I can't hold it anymore.", he said.
"No!", you denied again, pushing him away and getting up with a sassy expression.
Seungcheol praised himself for self control and walked behind you as you walked forward.
"Can I see what you get in your caféteria?", you asked.
"Ofcourse, it's yours-", he said and you walked towards the place.

After a while.

Seungcheol kept his hand on your waist while walking through the workplace to his office.

"Oh wow..."
"His girlfriend?"
"Yeah! I saw her before."
"Ah I was doing overtime and she was here."
"I think they're married. The rings!"
"Oh... yeah...! Might be!"

His Office.

Seungcheol was going through some papers while you were scolling through your phone.

'Should I tell him? Or should I not?'- you thought making the male curious. 'Can I say it without asking appa tho? But it's about his father, doesn't he deserve to know? But I feel like he should talk to appa rather than me since I don't really know anything. Did Dahyun hear right? Why would anyone kill his own brothers and sisters and even wife although a vampire?! Ah you're horrible, father-in-law! Your son's father-in-law is way better.'

Seungcheol had figured out what you meant. His eyes filled with tears.
"I'll use the washroom.", he closed the files and walked to the washroom.
While you kept thinking.
'But even King Yang said, even the princes said that it's true. Parents of the princes, eommas and other appas, his own brothers and sisters... what about his wife, Cheol's mother? What do I even tell Seungcheol now? Oh god, he's gonna cry at all this... oh no... the boys? What if they come to know? I wonder if Dahyun said anything to Hansol yet. I hope this doesn't ruin their relations. Why would they even ruin it tho? Ahhh!!! Why am I so dizzy at the first place?!'

Meanwhile, Seungcheol was bawling inside the washroom.
'WHY?! JUST WHY?!'- he thought and punched the wall. 'Why can't I have a life of peace?! Why did you have to return back?!'
He cried, could do nothing except that.

You got up, Seungcheol didn't come out even after 20 minutes.
"Babe, are you good?", you asked, knocking the door.
"Yeah!", he responded.
And walked out, looking fine but then...

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