Abrupt Ending <3

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Chihiro does two things now that he is out of highschool: program and stream. When he wasn't working on a project, he would stream, when he didn't stream he'd work on a commission. He felt indebted to all of the people online who helped get him so much attention. Sure, people on the internet are menacing, but it allowed him to make enough money to support him and his boyfriend of two years, Mondo Oowada. And to Chihiro, that's what matters.

However, this means that he spends almost all of his time online, just like when he was younger. A lot of that time being streaming in what could have been a separate bedroom if it wasn't turned into a studio by Chihiro (along with Mondo and Taka). Chihiro would often move to the living room to work on projects, but his higher-quality materials were in that studio. He felt to guilty to stream less frequently or do less projects. Thus, his social life suffered.




The front door of their apartment creaked open as a tangled-haired Mondo busted inside. He tossed his uniform onto the sofa, leaving him in a low-cut tanktop and baggy pants. It was just past 2:30 AM, around the time he usually got home. Via Chihiro's request, Mondo knocked once then opened his studio door. "Yo, babe, I'm home," he nonchalantly stated. Chihiro was surrounded by screens shining with black terminals and bold white text. Chihiro laid with his forehead gently on top of a keyboard, causing an endless strand of lowercase M's tagged on to the expertly crafted code. The programmer's eyes were gingerly shut and his mouth lightly hung open. His back slowly rose and fell.

Mondo's eyes softened while his frown became more prominent. This was a scene he had become all too familiar with. The biker strode over to his sleeping lover and placed a hand on his upper back and one under his thighs. As almost everynight does, he carefully picked up Cihiro. He softly yet frusterated muttered, "You really needa stop doing this, babe." Mondo shuffled through the next room over where the two slept, pushing open the door with his foot. He gave Chihiro a peck on the forehead before tossing him on their shared bed. He bounced on the mattress, causing him to let out a tired grumble before turning onto his side.

Mondo took a quick shower before laying down next to Chihiro, who figured out how to get under the covers. The water from the biker's long, curly, auburn hair seeped into the pillow under him. Chihiro's eyes cracked open and he joking dragged out, "Goodnight, princess." He giggled to himself as Mondo rolled his eyes.
"Just go to bed," he bossed, "We're talking tomorrow."
"Mm.. okay, love you..."
"Love ya too."
Mondo ruffled Chihiro's already tangled hair before rolling onto his back, arms supporting his head. Chihiro curled up besided him, arms draped across Mondo's chest.

Chihiro woke up to an empty space next to him and a savory smell. Mondo must have cooked something... What time is it...? He thought. The programmer reached over to his nightstand, feeling for a phone. This search ended up unfruitful, due to his phone still being in her studio. He groaned before forcing himself to sit up. He stumbled over to his closet before picking out fresh clothes that he hadn't been in for the past day. Once his clothes were in check, he made her way to the kitchen. The first thing Chihiro saw was Mondo cooking breakfast. He jumped and hung off of his shoulders, kissing him on the back of the ear.

"Good morning, Mondo!" Chihiro chirped, "thank you for taking care of me last night."

"Mornin' babe. Hope you're feelin' better."

Chihiro nested his head on his shoulder so he could watch him cook. "You're making eggs today?" he questioned, "what's the special occasion?"

Mondo shifted part of his hair--which landed just above the muscles on his chest--behind his ear before answering, "Yeah, I was thinkin' we could talk for a bit and could use somethin' nice to eat."

Chihiro hopped down from his back, eyebrows furrowed into his skull. His hands moved into his lap, fidgeting with eachother. "I'm... really sorry if I did anything wrong..." tears sat on the edges of his eyes. He wanted to avoid Mondo's eye contact. He was an intense man, and Chihiro knew Mondo hated to see him cry. The biker's face fell at the programmer's apology, but left him wordless. Mondo transfered their meal to two plates, before beckoning Chihiro to join him on the sofa. The programmer grabbed two forks before taking a seat next to her boyfriend.

"Thank you..." Chihiro mumbled.

"No problem, babe," Mondo replied with a shrug, taking a bite before placing his food on his lap. Chihiro nervously looked at her plate, picking at the chunks of egg. The two sat in silence for a minute before Chihiro apologized. "I-I'm sorry, is there any way I can make it up to you?" Chihiro muttered. Mondo looked up at him, before chuckling. "Do ya even know what I have a problem with?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. The programmer thought before simply shaking his head.

Mondo sighed and looked at Chihiro's gloomy expression. "Look, I'm worried about ya, Chihiro," he started. Mondo's voice had an edge to it, but it was softer then usual. "You're always workin' and shit, cooped up in this place. I haven't seen ya leave in god knows how long."

Chihiro took a small bite of Mondo's cooking, letting him talk. He listened actively, letting every word get burned into his brain. He blinked, a few stray tears falling out. Quickly, she wiped her eyes. This isn't something to cry about, he's just saying the truth... He beat into his head. Large tears continued to fall out of his eyes. Mondo grabbed his hand. Chihiro always felt better with his hand in the other's, although it was large, calloused, and felt like sand-paper. A huge difference to Chihiro's petite, soft hands.

"Taka and Naegi want to see ya too, y'know." Mondo added on. Chihiro trembled, lifting his eyes to look at Mondo's. "I'm sorry... It's just, my job, and I feel like... like I'm in dept to people online. I'm sorry I've neglected you and our friends," Chihiro whispered, choking on his tears. Mondo squeezed his hand firmer. "Makin' excuses doesn't help, what're ya gonna do?"

Chihiro sat, the only noise being his tears. His hand barely gripped Mondo's. "I... I don't know. It feels like I'm trapped, I promised I'd stream once I graduated," he squeaked. Mondo sighed, annoyed, and it showed in his voice. "Make a schedule or some shit Chi! You have a brain in there, and it's gotta work if you do what ya do," Mondo spat, tightening
his free hand into a fist, trying to not let his frusteration show in his grip on Chihiro.

Tears fell down the programmer's face more rapidly. "I... I'm sorry, I will," she guiltily submitted, his voice shaking as much as he was. Although pissed, the effects of Mondo's actions sunk in. His face softened again. "I- Sorry, Chi. I didn't mean to make ya cry again... But, I'll be here to help ya, alright?" Mondo consoled. Chihiro bit his bottom lip and nodded, trying to stop his tears.

"I missed you..." he mumbled, scooting closer to the biker. Chihiro had barely spoken to Mondo since he started to stream, and that only made him feel worse. What was the point in living together if you never saw eachother? Mondo wrapped an arm around his crying boyfriend in an attempt to comfort him. "You're okay, Chihiro. I missed ya too. We'll get you organized, m'kay?"

Chihiro nodded, sinking into the other's arm. Cuddling was the one thing they did, although that was mostly when they went to bed. Either one of them were asleep before they could hear the other's voice. "I can take today off... I- I shouldn't be too behind," Chihiro offered, his tears slowing. Mondo tightened his grip on Chihiro before chuckling "That'd be nice, babe."

With that, the two silently ate their cold breakfast. Mondo firmly held Chihiro, reassuring him however he could. The smaller man fell into another phase of self-loathing. Mondo's talks with him often caused them, but the pair worked through them. Somehow, finding solutions.

Later that day, the two worked together to put together a schedule for Chihiro. One just for streaming, another for work. It was stressful, but it resulted in something Chihiro could live with. He struggled ending his streams, his guilt even worse when he doesn't stream at all. However, those free days are spent with his friends, which are simply better then the people behind the screen.

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