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"Hey, we really need to get back at them for this." said Momo while we were sitting in the school cafeteria.

The day at the café, Suga and Jimin had gotten to Momo and now she had a broken arm, Jihyo had a black eye by RM's punch while Mina had hidden in an alley and had gotten away. I had nothing because Tzuyu had saved me but I didn't dare tell them that. I just told them that I also managed to hide and got away. However I was very mad at G-4 for what they did.

"Yes we do. We can't let them get away with it, they need to pay." I said. Everyone looked at me. "What?"

"Well you were always sort of negative as to attacking them." Mina said.

"Yeah but look what they did!" I said pointing at Momo and Jihyo. "This is serious Mina! BTS are very aggressive and thank god nothing else happened to Momo and Jihyo! Imagine what could have happened if you hadn't found a place to hide, if I hadn't been saved-" I froze as I realized what I had said.

"You what!?" Jihyo said surprised. I don't blame her. "Who saved you?"

"I- em..." I didn't know if I should tell them. Then again, what could happen if I did? "Tzuyu."

"What!? Tzuyu saved you? I thought she hated you and you hated her!" Momo said as surprised as Jihyo.

"I do hate her and so does she. She just saw me running when V, Jin and Jungkook were chasing me and she was with her bike so she came and got me out of there and drove me home." I said.

"Uh-huh. Are you sure she hates you? It seems like she likes you." Mina said and they all did the face.

"Oh god stop it! I don't care if she likes me because I definitely hate her and I don't like her. Besides just because she saved me one time doesn't mean she likes me. And if she does I told you I don't care." I answered them. I had gotten mad and next period in Math I didn't talk to any of them. I chose to go to the restroom hoping to get some peace and quiet. I locked myself in one of the toilets and just sat there. I heard the restroom door open and I was kind of surprised. I jumped and hit my head on the wall.

"OUCH FUCK!" I groaned rubbing my head. Then I closed my mouth as I realized the girl outside might have heard me.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I thought the voice sounded familiar. This felt like deja vu to me and I decided to take my chances.

"Have we met before? I mean like in this situation where you don't know who I am and I don't know who you are?"

"Are you the girl who was crying some time ago?" she said and I realized that it was her. The mystery girl.

"Yes! That's me!" I said happily. "So will you tell me who you are? I want to know!" I heard her footsteps move closer to my toilet and she stopped outside it.

"I think it's best if you don't know who I am. I know who you are though." she said and I was taken aback by her second statement.

"What!? How? Who am I then?"

"You are Minatozaki Sana. You said last time we met that you lost someone recently. Your parents died in a plane crash in July. You said you felt like a stranger because you just came to Korea in September. Am I right?"

I hated to admit it but she was right. She got everything right. "Yes. But who are you? Now that you know who I am you must tell me too!"

"Well yeah but you didn't tell me who you are. I found out. Why don't you try finding out who I am?"

"If I come out of the toilet will that count?" I chuckled.

"No." she said and laughed with me. I heard that she was going away. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted to ask her something. "Hey wait! I want to ask you something!" Her footsteps stopped.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Well I think this one girl likes me and... I think I like her too but I shouldn't. Things are actually kind of weird between us. We are in opposite gangs and her friends hate mine but... she's different."

"Okay..." the girl said and came closer. "Different in what way?"

"Well yesterday, we saw her and her friends in a café and we started fighting. I hit her and she hit me back but then BTS came and started chasing us. And she... she saved me... I hit her first but she still saved me and drove me home in her motorcycle. I don't really know what she thinks of me or what I think of her but it's weird. Are you still there?"


"Are you still there?"

I could hear her talking to me but ever since "Well I think this one girl likes me and... I think I like her too but I shouldn't", I have been feeling weird. I never thought I liked her. I surely never thought she liked me. She actually seems to hate me.

"Hey are you out there?" she asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah... Umm... Has anything else happened between you two? Something-"

"You know what actually? I don't like her and I know it. She is my rival and she and her gang have done terrible things to us. Yeah, okay, she saved me once but that can't tell me anything about her. I should actually hate her. I do hate her! Thanks a lot!" she interrupted me.

At that time, I felt my heart sink deep into the ground. I didn't know why but I didn't like what she said. I didn't like the fact that she said she hated me. I never thought I gave her the right to do that. I understand though. Nayeon's awful plans have always had a serious impact on her and the J-GANG.

"You're welcome." I said and left the bathroom.

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