Unseen Hero

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SOOOO I know i'm in the middle of writing another story but I felt so inspired to write this!!!!! Please listen to the song first as you'll understand where this story is going but if you have heard the song before and wanna be surprised by the ending then DON'T WORRY-- I am gonna add an ending on to this one :) It will be a few chapters but not a lot so dw you dont need to binge (but I know you love the long ones anyways soooooo) ITS GONNA BE WHOLESOME AF SO PLS ENJOY THIS AND I HOPE YOUR HEART SOFTENS READING THIS!

Chapter 1               

In the vibrant city of Yokohama, where modernity and tradition blend seamlessly, stood a quaint Japanese high school, bustling with the energy of youth. Among its many students was a boy named Haruto, an ordinary teenager in many ways. He juggled an array of classes, spent his breaks laughing with a tight-knit group of friends, and navigated the typical struggles of adolescence. But beneath his unremarkable exterior lay a heart brimming with unspoken admiration for his classmate, Yumi.

Yumi wasn't the type of girl who stood out in a crowd. She didn't have the loud confidence of some of her peers or the striking beauty that turned heads in the hallway. Instead, she was shy, introverted, and often lost in her own thoughts. To the casual observer, Yumi might have seemed almost invisible, blending into the background of the bustling school. But to Haruto, she was nothing short of extraordinary.

From the moment Haruto first noticed Yumi, he found himself captivated by her unique charm. It wasn't her outward appearance that drew him in, but the small, endearing quirks that made her who she was. He loved the way she would stifle a yawn, her eyes half-closed with sleepiness, yet always manage to stay alert during their classes. Her diligence and determination, despite her evident fatigue, struck a chord deep within Haruto. It was as if Yumi possessed a quiet strength that she herself might not have recognized.

One afternoon, as the bell rang signaling the end of class, Haruto and his friends gathered their belongings. He couldn't help but glance over at Yumi, who was stretching and yawning at her desk.

"Hey, Haruto, you coming?" called his friend, Daichi, snapping Haruto out of his reverie.

"Yeah, just a sec," Haruto replied, hastily shoving his books into his bag. He took one last look at Yumi, who was now chatting softly with a friend, her laughter like music to his ears.

Every day, Haruto would watch Yumi with a mixture of fascination and affection. He admired the way she navigated the complexities of high school life with a gentle grace that seemed effortless. She had a habit of tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear when she was concentrating, a small gesture that Haruto found irresistibly charming. Her presence in the classroom, though understated, added a warmth that he cherished.

One particularly memorable afternoon, Haruto witnessed a side of Yumi that solidified his admiration for her. It was during lunch break, and the school grounds were filled with the usual clamor of students enjoying their free time. Haruto was sitting under a cherry blossom tree, pretending to read a book but actually stealing glances at Yumi, who was sitting nearby, sketching in her notebook. As he watched, a stray dog wandered onto the school grounds, looking lost and hungry.

While most of the students either ignored the dog or shooed it away, Yumi's reaction was entirely different. She immediately set aside her notebook and approached the dog with a soft smile. Kneeling down, she gently petted the animal, speaking to it in a soothing voice.

"Hey there, little guy. Are you lost?" she asked, her voice full of kindness.

The dog, sensing her kindness, wagged its tail and nuzzled closer to her. Haruto felt his heart swell with affection as he observed this tender interaction. Yumi's compassion and gentleness were qualities that he deeply admired, and they only made his feelings for her grow stronger.

Despite his growing admiration, Haruto struggled with how to express his feelings. He was an ordinary boy, after all, and the thought of confessing his emotions to Yumi filled him with anxiety. He worried about disrupting the delicate balance of their daily interactions, afraid that a confession might push her away. So, he chose to admire her from afar, finding joy in the simple moments they shared, even if they were unaware of each other's feelings.

One day, as Haruto and Daichi were leaving school, Daichi nudged him playfully.

"Man, you've got it bad," Daichi teased. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"

Haruto sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not that easy, Daichi. What if she doesn't feel the same way? I don't want to make things awkward."

"You won't know unless you try," Daichi said, clapping him on the back. "Life's too short to keep your feelings bottled up."

Haruto's friends often teased him about his obvious crush, urging him to make a move. But he would laugh it off, masking his insecurities with a casual shrug. Inside, however, he felt a tumult of emotions. He wanted nothing more than to be close to Yumi, to share his thoughts and dreams with her, and to be the one who made her smile. Yet, the fear of rejection kept him silent, leaving his feelings trapped within his heart.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Haruto's admiration for Yumi only deepened. He began to notice even more of her endearing traits—the way she would hum softly to herself when she thought no one was listening, the way her eyes sparkled with curiosity during class discussions, and the way she would always offer a helping hand to those in need. To Haruto, Yumi was more than just a classmate; she was a hero, someone who inspired him to be a better person.

In the evenings, as he lay in bed, Haruto's thoughts would drift to Yumi. He would replay their interactions in his mind, analyzing every word and gesture, searching for any sign that she might feel the same way. He dreamed of the day he could gather the courage to tell her how he felt, imagining how wonderful it would be to walk home together, to share their hopes and fears, and to simply be together.

One evening, Haruto's mother noticed his distracted demeanor. "Haruto, is everything okay? You seem lost in thought," she said gently.

Haruto smiled faintly. "Yeah, Mom. Just...thinking about someone."

His mother raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Anyone special?"

Haruto hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah. Her name is Yumi. She's...amazing."

"Why don't you invite her over for dinner sometime?" his mother suggested. "It might give you a chance to get to know her better."

Haruto's eyes widened. "I...I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"Take your time, Haruto," his mother said, patting his shoulder. "But don't let fear hold you back forever."

Yet, for now, Haruto was content to watch from the sidelines, cherishing the moments he shared with Yumi, even if they were from a distance. He believed that one day, when the time was right, he would find the courage to speak his heart. Until then, he would continue to admire her in silence, finding solace in the knowledge that she was a part of his world.

And so, in the vibrant city of Yokohama, amid the hustle and bustle of high school life, Haruto and Yumi's story continued to unfold. It was a story of unspoken admiration, silent hopes, and the quiet, yet powerful, connection that bound their hearts together. As Haruto watched Yumi with eyes full of love, he knew that his feelings for her were as enduring as the cherry blossoms that bloomed each spring, a testament to the beauty of the unnoticed and the strength of the unseen hero in his life.         

UGHHH SO CUTE!! Why is our boi like this, he really needs to tell Yumi :((( Stay tuned for chapter 2!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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