Kabanata 18

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My head aches when we go inside his office, the smell of a perfume is so strong and I can't hold it.
I pinch my nose with my fingers and hold my stomach.

Ana widened her eyes, She then turned on the air modifier. Afraid that I'm going to vomit like yesterday.

William noticed my hand, I smiled at him.
I really don't know how to tell him about this. I want to surprise him, but what if he doesn't want it? what if there is something with him and Sarah? I think I'm going to lose my mind.

Still holding my nose, he came closer towards me ,his worrying eyes stared. "Baby, we have an emergency meeting you want anything first."

"Your office smells bad, it smells too sweet, Is it from her?"

He never blinks at me as he answers,
"Nixon accommodated her and-" He stopped and looked at me deeply "don't you ever doubt me, I can tell what is on your head Grace."

"I don't really like your mind work, what should I do for you to believe me hm.."

I can't believe how childish I am right now, he seems to be battling something, those eyes where I lost in, "Can you spray your cologne, I like it so much." I ask with my chekening voice.

His arms embrace me for a moment, inhaling his smell, I feel better ,a few seconds he walks into his toilet room and carries a bottle and he spray a bit.

My nerves calm and he ended up kissing me shortly.

The room filled with silence, Ana nod to him while Dane and Rob seats in the table waiting for William.

"She's my wife ." William Stern's voice told them.

They nod, as they understand each other.

"The tracker reported," Dane said, "its the British Empire who suported her, he confirm they have a strong allied, a comrade to our government."

"Her?" William asked.

"The strong allied make their opium trade progressive. " Rob continued.

William's angry voice echoed, "who was it?"

" Karen Lee" Dane answered. The dark tension surrounded the room. "She knew we are after her William."

"Lieutenant Lee's wife, she is the successor of Sui industry. 1 Billion a day and counting as I reported now, quarter chinese blood. Leader of the family business."

"After we raided their trade and shot Karen I'm sure it lessen now. " Dane smirked and continued, "Lieutenant Lee, purchase your guns to supply his wife army. Chao-chaola Gang." Dane sigh, " William we have to destroy them, but the question is how when we know how influential they are."

"Accept it we need Sarah Lee for distraction," Rob commented.

"You think my dick can distract them?" He didn't show any expression.

"I-won't-do-it!" Every letter he speaks with so much emotion and danger.

I never heard him in this tone, i get a goosebumps. Oh god, whom did I really married?

What Rob mean?

"Don't you think you're too late for that!" Ana Lin shouted. "Are you blind? That slut is delusional, I will fucking cut her throat, I will never forget what she did to me." Her breathing is fast from her anger, i can feel it from my seats.

"Now biao ge what is the next move?" She continued.

Ana Lin shouted, "Fucking murderer!"

"To lose battle is to lose patients Xiao miemie,." Rob said, he is calm.

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