Tickled Pink

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"Ava! Leave me alone!" Johnny yelled, lashing out with a foot. Ava caught it with a smirk, pulling off his black and green sock. Try as she might, it was hard to find anything more fun than annoying her brother.

"Someone's grumpy."

"Don't you dare."

"You know what Johnny needs?"


"I think Johnny needs-"


"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Johnny had always been so ticklish that, even before her fingers touched him, he began to laugh and squirm, so when she actually started tickling him, it was hopeless.

"Stop!" He whined.

"Tickle, tickle tumtum!" Ava said. "Tickle, tickle armpits!" Johnny was helpless under the her ruthless attack


"Maybe under your knees? You can't be ticklish there!" Ava knew all too well from experience that Johnny was basically ticklish anywhere and everywhere. He kicked out at her, which only gave her ready access. "Tickle, tickle!"

"Stop!" Johnny whined, rolling over onto his stomach before she could move back there. His sister lifted up his shirt and stared at her brother's back.

"What the" she watched in disbelief as hair spread along his back, radiating out from his belly to meet along his spine. His arms were already covered and his legs would be soon. She met his worried gaze as white woolly fur covered his face.

"What's.... What's happening?" Johnny asked as he looked over his body in disbelief, flipping back over onto his back and staring down at his hairy belly. Ava stared numbly at him for a moment longer before doing what any kid would.

"Mom! Dad!"

The next half hour passed in a blur. Both parents came running and were just as stupefied as their kids about Johnny's strange change. Dad took charge, sending Johnny to go get dressed as Mom called the doctor. It seemed to all of them like the right thing to do. Johnny came out of his room, sniffling, in a hoodie and jeans. Dad added gloves to his hands, although they had to be his work gloves to fit over the hair, fur, whatever it was that covered the tops of Johnny's hands. His palms were one of the few parts of his body not covered in hair, but Dad figured the doctor would know more about why than he did.

"I look like a monster!" Johnny blubbered. Dad grabbed a face mask to cover at least the lower half of his face, but thought better of it when he realized Johnny's ears were now long, floppy flaps of fur on either side of his head.

"You look like a werewolf." Dad said, trying to smile reassuringly. "Are we sure it's not a full moon?"

"You look like a puppy." Ava said. He obviously was a dog. She'd always wanted a dog.

"Puppy?" Johnny whimpered. Ava sighed. He was still a whiny boy. His whines sounded nothing like the dog three doors down.

"Isn't that what you'd call a kid werewolf?" Dad asked.

"Puppy or cub." Mom suggested, watching her daughter closely. Ava had recovered from her shock a little too quickly.

"Cub." Johnny said. That sounded at least a little better. "I don't want to be a werewolf though!"

"This really happened when you were tickling him?" Mom asked. Ava nodded. "And did you stop when he told you stop?"

"How is this my fault?" Ava asked, crossing her arms. "This isn't even possible."

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