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Three hundred and fifty years ago in the land of Onrelbion, a magical land split into five different kingdoms lived fae and humans alike. There were beautiful villages and towns where fae and humans would sleep and live side by side together. Despite the power imbalance between the two and the few feuds that they would have, in Onrelbion everyone lived together happily.

However, peace can only last for so long.

After years of human children being bullied and ridiculed for their lack of power and stance in the hierarchy of the kingdoms they decided to make a change. Little did they know, their want for power and glory would soon turn into a twenty year long war between humans and fae which would result in a split in the land

After twenty years of bloodshed and fighting the five kingdoms of Onrelbion became four when the largest kingdom became a home for the humans and humans only. In order to protect the humans the magical kings of Onrelbion created a magical border making it so that no fae could pass into the human lands and no human could pass into the fae lands. Soon enough, the human land made kingdoms, villages, and towns. And on the large island that used to be full of human and fae living together was two lands, Vardronia and Onrelbion.

The four kingdoms that Onrelbion kept were the kingdoms Protha, Lenova, Elnoria, and Ravaryn. The High Fae king, Teharus Deyanira of the fifth kingdom Vardronia married a human and became a new territory secluded from the others by a magical wall. After the War of Human and Fae the magical creatures of Onrelbion were outraged, angry that the humans could be so ungrateful and brutal and still get what they want at the end. But what could they do? Their kings agreed to a truce; their kings agreed to peace.

Was peace enough?

Many of the creatures who lived by the border would often try to break through the magical barrier but were unsuccessful. But, after centuries of spells and fighting they began to make progress. Little holes had been made throughout the border and the fairies made quick work to go through the wall and wreak havoc on the kingdom of Vardronia.

The kings soon found out and worked to patch up the holes and set up patrols along the border; the humans were again safe and could live peacefully. Still though, the wall was no longer as strong as it was when it was new. The places where the walls had to be patched up were no longer as tough as they once were, many of the guards were easily bribed by food and money, and the fairies were willing to fight to get on the other side of that wall and deal with the humans how they believe they should've been dealt with centuries ago.

The damage to Vardronia was rare at first, but as the decades went by and King Eldric Deyanira took the throne it slowly got worse and the king and queen of Vardronia knew they had to do something about it. Thankfully, a certain King Raden Tyrant of Ravaryn had a soft spot for the daughter of King Eldric Deyanira of Vardronia. And one thing was for sure; King Eldric would do whatever he needed to protect his kingdom. Even if he had to make his eldest daughter Freyja marry the cruel king Raden Baal Tyrant.

It shouldn't be a surprise that King Eldric would so easily allow his eldest child to marry off to the dangerous high fae king of Ravaryn. After all he wasn't what most citizens of Vardronia would consider a "family man" in fact he's quite the opposite. Many servants of the royal family's grand castle whispered around that the king had a tendency to become violent when he became upset and that his wife got the brunt of it. There were some whispers too that he had let it out on his daughter aswell. Many servants have said that they wouldn't be surprised if Freyja Alexandria Deyanira were to one day betray her father for revenge of what he's done to her mother Lavanya and for neglecting his younger two Evrin and Alura, In the king's eyes, none of his children are worth the trouble until they've managed to prove themselves to him.

Freyja tried everything, from becoming one of the best trained fighters in the kingdom to becoming the smartest in the kingdom. Nothing seemed to impress her father. And soon enough she realized that nothing she did would bring her father joy until she had married. There was only one slight problem...

Freyja didn't want to marry.

Freyja had always hoped that she would be able to make herself perfect enough that her father would bend the rules and make her heir to the throne even if she wasn't wed. But she was wrong. Now, she just had to sit and hope that he would at least choose someone who was kind to her. 

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