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I hate art. I fucking hate it. Everywhere I go, Wattpad, Pinterest, google. There's art that's always going to be better than mine. Fuck it, why do I even bother.

I want to be an animator. But not anymore. That shit's to hard, and requires someone with talent. 

I can't even make a drawing without scribbling it out. And wanting to rip it up. I hate pencils. There always to dull, or to sharp and make my art ugly. Fuck digital art to. I can't look at my own traditional art, how the fuck can I make digital art. I fucking give up. I hate art. It's not for me.

Fuck becoming an animator, fuck my art supplies. 

Why did I even spend all of my birthday money on art supplies? It's not like i'm good at it. 

God I'm so pathetic. Sitting at my desk, crying while listening to music. Ranting about fucking art. I hate this, I hate myself, my actions. I hate mood swings, I hate life. 

I hate Art. I hate it. I fucking hate art. I hate anatomy, I hate drawing like shit, I hate it when the eyes turn out asymmetrical, or when the forehead is to big, or when somebody else doesn't like the art. 

I'm no good at drawing people. making stories. Creativity. My one quality, is fake. I'm not creative, all of my ideas is just a blend of bullshit I grab from anime or stories i've seen.

Why does everybody have such talent. Why can't I just be good at something. Like art, I just want to be talented at that one thing, yet i'm not. I'm not good at anything. Sure my grades are good, but thats nothing. 3.8 GPA? Thats shit, try 4.0, all high A's. Even my friends can achive that. EVEN MY FRIEND IN NORMAL MATH CAN ACHIVE THAT.

Why am I so bad at this.

Art. Talent. Friendships. Keeping secrets. 

I'm nothing. Just another untalented below average girl yapping about random shit at 10pm before deleting this the next fucking day.

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