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This is my very  first time writing a fanfic so be lenient with me if I get my facts twisted. Don't be afraid to comment and other stuff. Bye and mecri  beaucoup, mecri bien!
Harry's P.O.V
I love my mother I really do , I even became a principal just like she wanted but now she's getting on my nerves.
She has 4 kids and she's pessing me about having a kid. I run a school with over 500 kids ,I think that's good enough for now, but fuck no , she says she wants a granddaughter soon or else she's cutting me off. God my life sucks.

When my dad died he said that he wants a girl to take over his business because it was my grand mother who started it and the only reason why he got it was  because he was her only child and a man got it this generation because Gemma doesn't want it. Now all the grandkids are boys and I have not yet conceived .

What makes her think  my dick is so special to make a girl. I don't even have a girlfriend and just because of that she thinks I'm gay, like come on I love pussy too much shove my dick up some guy's ass although I don't have any thing against the gays

I decided to leave the office and go clear my head by walking the halls of my new school. No one knows that there is a new principal and I would like to keep it like that for now.

As I passed the the science labs a small frame ran into me and fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry sir, I should of looked where I was going" she said as I helped her up.

"Its fine , where are you going in such a hurry  love"

"Biology class." She said in a shaky voice.

I looked at her properly and at that moment I saw how beautiful she was. Her puppy dog brown eyes could melt any man's heart. Her full honey combed lips were what any man would like their cock between. Her caramel brown skin looked so soft to the touch I got hard just off the thought of being inside her and at that second I knew I had to have her I don't care if she is my student.

But some thing was off, there was some thing wrong , she looked exhausted and like she would pass out any second.

"What's your name love." I asked her.

"Gemini." She said holding her head.

"Well Gemini would you like to have lunch with me?"


"Well Gemini ,  would you like to have lunch with me ” This man asked and damn he's hot but I don't trust him.

"Not to be rude but who are you" I asked and he smirked at me.
I don't have the strength to handle another man today.

"Well love you can call me Harry , but I like my women to call me daddy." He said eye raping me,with his pink bottom lip tucked away between his teeth.

Why am I turned on by this.

"Well 'daddy' I can't have lunch with you because I'm late for class." I told him  walking away from him but her grabbed my wrist.

"Don't worry about a class your 45minutes late for. We can have lunch in the cafeteria. Please." He said and he did have a point.

"Fine but your paying" he pulled me towards the lunchroom with a big grin on his face.

We sat in the middle of the lunchroom eating our hotdogs in slience .

"May I ask why are you this late for school? "He asked.and I told the truth.

"I was on the night shift."

"You work? What do you do?" I was hoping he didn't ask that.

"I work in a restaurant"I answer a little annoyed and he seemed to get the message.

"So daddy , what is your real name?

"Its Harry, Harry Styles ." he said with a smile.

" Gemini Riley " I said

" what's the story behind your name"

" I and my both parents are Geminis but I don't known my dad"

"Its OK not all men can put up with such beauty "he said. And I blushed.

"Oh please."

" No it's true you, my love, are fucking beautiful and any man would be a total pussy to leave you." He said sincerely. The lunch bell rang and kids started to full the lunch room.

"Well beautiful , I have to go now but I will see you very soon" he said raising from his chair. He walked to my side of the table helped me from mine , he pulled me and impossibility close to him so much that I could feel his cool minty breath on my face. How did he freshen up so fast.

"Bye" he said once more, looking into my eyes.

"Bye"I whisper complexly affected by our proximity. He placed his soft lips too close to my lips. I could feel eyes on us and he did too. He pulled away and made  his way out of the room disposing his garbage.

I wonder what he meant by seeing me very soon.

So what do you think? Please let me know and for those who didn't pick it up this is a bwwm book. Don't be afraid to ask


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