Act 6

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As Julie hurried out the outside of the library's door, her mind raced with thoughts about the mysterious message and what she might discover at the library. She didn't notice her phone slipping from her grasp until it was too late. The device landed with a soft thud on the ground, just as she heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind her.

A stranger, clad in an oversized coat and a black cap that shadowed his face, swooped in swiftly, snatching up the phone before Julie could react. The figure's sudden appearance and swift departure left Julie stunned, and for a moment, she was rooted to the spot, unable to process what had just happened.

"Hey! Wait!" she called out, but the stranger was already blending into the crowd, disappearing from sight. Panic surged through her as she realized the importance of the phone, not just as a communication device but as a potential key to unraveling the mystery of the cryptic messages.

Julie looked around, hoping for a glimpse of the stranger or someone who might have seen what happened. But the bustling lunchtime crowd seemed oblivious to her plight. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She knew she couldn't waste any more time; she had to get to the library.

Without her phone, Julie felt exposed and vulnerable, but she pushed those feelings aside. Determination set in as she hurried towards the library, her mind now focused on the potential answers waiting there. The library, an old building steeped in history, might hold the key to understanding the strange messages and the connection to Alen.

As she approached the library, Julie's thoughts turned to Sam and Mr. Ross. She hoped Sam would be able to cover for her absence and that Mr. Ross wouldn't be too harsh if he found out. But those worries seemed minor compared to the mystery she was now intent on solving.

Julie entered the library, greeted by the familiar musty smell of old books and the quiet, reverent atmosphere. She headed straight for the history section, searching for any records or books about the town's past, particularly the library's history as an orphanage.

Her fingers brushed over the spines of the books, pausing on titles that seemed promising. She pulled out a thick volume titled "The Forgotten Orphanages of Walfied" and settled at a nearby table to start reading.

She was only a few pages in when she felt a presence beside her. Looking up, she saw a woman with short, curly hair and a look of mild distress.

"Excuse me," the woman said softly, her voice tinged with urgency. "I'm looking for a book... something with 'Fire' in the title by Alexander Walf?"

Julie blinked, momentarily taken aback. "I'm sorry, I don't know that book," she replied, shaking her head. The woman's face fell slightly, and she nodded, muttering a quick "Thank you" before moving on.

Julie watched her leave, wondering what book could be so important to the strange woman.

Julie left the book in place and glanced around the library, her curiosity piqued. She wondered what other hidden treasures might be waiting on the shelves, perfect for her school project. Wandering through the aisles, she kept an eye out for anything that might catch her interest, hoping to uncover something unexpected and fascinating.

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