Chapter 20: Shocking Discovery, A Fight Of Hatred!

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Author's Note: It hasn't been 24 hours since I published chapter 19 and I already got 830 READS!, HOLY CRAP, I might get 1000 reads by the end of the week if this keeps happening also the smut chapter I wrote was my first time writing smut so it may be bad. Back to the story

Brett's POV

I wake up seeing Uzi and Thad still sleeping. I leave the cabin and head over to V's cabin. Once I make it there, I open the door to see N and in the same bed naked!

Brett: Looks like E was right, except with all the cum everywhere (btw the way, if you don't understand, there is no cum everywhere) but looks like you two had lots of fun last night.

N and V wake and look at Brett in shock and anger.


Brett: Chill, the door was open and I came here to say good morning to you two but to see your uniforms on the ground and you two sleeping together with your clothes off.

N(blushing): D-Don't t-tell anyone about this.

V(blushing): Yeah, or ELSE YOUR GROUNDED FOR A YEAR!

Brett: Okay I won't.

V: Good, now let us sleep.

I gave them thumps up and leave the cabin closing the door behind me. I then head for E's cabin then I see T walk out of the cabin with a red aura around him.

Brett's Mind: That must be T in his Berserk form, and god N was right, He looks scary as FUCK!

Brett then walked up to T and said.

Brett: So uh how are you.

Berserk T: Good bud, I also want to remind you don't get on my bedside or I'll rip you to shreds.

Brett: Y-Yeah.

Brett: Is it going to be us two?

T: Yeah, The others can't come out because of the sun and Thad chose to stay with Uzi.

Brett: Okay, also how are you not dead because of the sun?

Berserk T: Oh that's because in my Berserk form, because I can control and use fire, the sun doesn't hurt me.

Brett: Sick.

Brett: And look what I can do.

Brett then changed his hands to claws and his wing sprung out and he started flying around T.

Brett: I got claws and wings now.

T: Okay, totally not weird.

Brett: Yeah and look the 18 survivors are up from yesterday.

The students walk toward the two and one of then says in shock

Sammy(Not the dead Sam and I thought of this student.): Yo uh what happened to you T?

Berserk T: Oh this is my second form, and if you mess with me, I'll rip you to shreds!

The 18 students knew that he wasn't joking and they say.

The 18 students: YES SIR.

Berserk T: Good.

Lizzy: Also where are the other three counselors?

Brett: Oh, since they can't come in the sun, it will be only us two today..

Berserk T: Yeah.

Lizzy: Okay.

(also I want to list the 18 students right here so...



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