Chapter 1: Fear

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Paranoia and fear. It's a horrible cocktail of emotions that Kate Winston had thought she left behind on that cursed island.

The 20 year old blonde now found herself in a situation that caused her blood to constantly pound through her veins, her head to always be on a swivel, and her muscles tensed and ready to run at the smallest hint of danger. She felt 14 again.

Her fingers tapped against her knee, her honey brown eyes staring down at the newest email she had received. The threat was clear as day. Her stomach churned as she read the last line over and over and over until her eyes blurred with tears.

"Don't end up like HER."

They meant Brooklynn. Kate had zero doubts about that, but... the email proved that what happened was no freak accident. Brooklynn had been murdered.

Acid rose in her throat, burning her esophagus as she ran to the bathroom to heave. She sobbed as she wiped her mouth with some toilet paper, her back leaned against the cold, ugly, yellow tiled walls.

Who would do this? Why would anyone want to kill them? Were the others getting threatening messages? Kate hadn't spoken to any of them since... Brooklynn died. Everyone had been on edge, reasonably so, and it had driven them even further apart.

Kate ran a trembling hand through her hair as she stood on shaky legs, leaning against the wall for support. Slowly, almost like she was walking through molasses, the survivor made her way back to the couch, grabbing her phone and dialing a number she hadn't called in months.

It rang four times before a very soothing, very welcomed voice came from the other end of the line, "Hello? Kate?" Ben Pincus sounded worried, which made her smile because that was just Ben. Constantly worried and suspicious, yet still so calm.

"H-hey." She said softly, having to clear the phlegm in her throat before she could continue talking, "Hey..." She anxiously chewed the skin around her thumb, "Ben, I'm scared."

He was silent for a moment. The only sound coming from his end was a quiet shuffling as he climbed out of his bed. Finally, he spoke, "Katie, what's wrong? Why are you scared?" He sounded so worried for her, and it made her heart clench.

She tucked her knees to her chest, trying to calm herself, "Have you received any strange emails or text messages?" The deep inhale that came from Ben meant he had. "Ben, something isn't right. I-I... I don't feel safe."

Ben sighed, more shuffling coming from the background, "Kate, where are you? I want to see you." The sound of a door closing and keys jingling filled her ear.

"I'm in my apartment. You remember where it is, right?" Kate chewed her bottom lip as she remembered the last time Ben had been in her apartment. It wasn't a pleasant memory.

"Yeah..." He grumbled, obviously remembering as well. "I'll be there in 15." There was click, and the line went dead.

Kate sat in silence, listening to every creak in the hallway, every drip from her faucet, even the...tapping? Tapping? Something about that sound made her blood run cold.

TapTapTap. Tap. TapTap. She held her breath as the images of leathery skin, dangerous reptilian yellow eyes, and long, sharp claws filled her mind. Goosebumps covered the skin of her arms and neck as she stared at the door to her small studio apartment.

With extreme caution, Kate stood. Not a sound came from her as she made her way to the door, dodging the squeaky floorboard she had come to memorize. She held her breath, putting her eye to the peephole.

Nothing. There was nothing waiting outside her door. A sharp, stuttery breath of relief left her as she leaned her head against the solid wood, eyes closed.

Knock. Knock. Knock. The blonde woman let out a scream at the sound, her heart pounding and her fight or flight instinct kicking in before she realized that dinosaurs don't knock on doors.

"KATE?!?!" Ben yelled in a panic at her scream, jiggling the door handle desperately, "Open the door, babe, please!" She wasted no time in unlocking her door and swinging it open. Ben instantly ran into her apartment, looking for the danger.

Kate couldn't help but let out a dry, humorless chuckle, "Sorry. There's nothing in here I was just..." She paused, her throat feeling clogged and her eyes tearing up again, "I was just scared."

She couldn't bring herself to look at him, her long blonde curls hiding her face in shame. Even after breaking up, she still needed him, and it made her feel so guilty. "I'm sorry."

Ben wrapped his arms around her, her head resting against his chest, "Stop." Calm. That's what Ben was. He was the only person who had ever brought her a sense of peace and calm. "Katie, do not ever apologize for calling me." His arms tighten around her, his heart beating right under her ear, strong and steady and alive.

He closed the door, locking it with one hand, his other still rubbing up and down her back. Ben led her over to the couch, her laptop still open on the small coffee table. "Is.. Is this the most recent email?"

She nodded in confirmation, wrapping her arms around her stomach as the queasy feeling came back. "It's the 3rd one I've received in the last 2 weeks." Her eyes locked on the last sentence. "Ben..." She paused to gulp, her heart speeding again, "I-I think whoever this is... they killed Brooklynn... or had something to do with her death."

A sharp inhale came from him as he ran his fingers through his thick, sandy colored hair. His green eyes flickered over the words on the screen a few times before he closed the laptop and rubbed his face.

"I think you're right." He said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and bringing her closer to his side, his lips on the crown of her head.

"The Camp Fam is... being hunted."


Chaos noun:

(A) The state of utter confusion

(B) A confused mass or mixture

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