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1st September 1993

GRYFFINDOR table erupted in loud cheers, as Y/N skipped happily to Hermione, who beamed at her. When she sat down, her head turned to Remus, joy radiant on her Y/F/S face as she received thumbs up.

"I am so happy that you are with us!" younger girl with bushy brown hair engulfed her in a hug.
"Yes, as Hermione said," agreed Ron, while Harry only nodded his head smiling.

Y/N made herself comfortable and glanced around. Next to her sat another third year boy, with green eyes and thick Irish accent, who introduced himself as Seamus Finnigan. His friend named Dean Thomas also shook her hand.

Opposite them was seated a group of ginger Weasleys. The oldest one was Percy Weasley, skinny boy with strict expression on his freckled face. Ginny Weasley was next to him rolling her chocolate brown eyes on something her older brother said.

When Y/N moved her Y/E/C irises down the row, she was again met with warm eyes of the boy from earlier. Now she had time to inspect him more. He was definitely taller than her and much more muscular. His brown eyes held sparkles of trouble and his pink lips were curled in confident grin. He watched her as carefully as she did, something about her different to him, as if she had magnetic field around her.

What none of seemed to notice was knowing look on boy's twin brother's round face, so he took matters into his own hands.
"My name is George Weasley and this is my brother—," George's attempt to start a conversation interrupted his already mentioned brother.

"Fred Weasley, the better looking twin," Fred outstretched his long arm, his large hand waiting for a greeting shake. You giggled at siblings' antics, accepting Fred's hand. "My name is Y/N Y/M/N Tenley, but you've probably heard that," while introducing herself she also shook George's hand.

Both of the twins shared short eye contact and a nod of their head.
"So, Y/N, tell us—," started George and Fred finished his question: "— how come you are just starting this year?"

Y/H/C haired girl was prepared to give them answer, however the Headmaster started his long welcome speech.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words, before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast," Dumbledore made short pause, small smile hidden behind his grandiose white beard.

"First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Y/N was first to jump up from her seat, proudly clapping for her godfather. Corners of Remus' mouth lifted upwards, same with many other professors. Only person without smile was probably greasy haired man at the end of the table. She recognised him as Severus "Snivellus" Snape. Girl's parents told her some stories about him from the time they were at the Hogwarts. It was safe to say he hated Remus and his friends.

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