Hell To The Nah

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Ananda POV

"Oh my gosh those perfectly toned abs and gorgeous sea blue eyes." I sighed lying in bed staring up at the pale coffee creamed ceiling probably looking guilty with a large grin on my face which soon disappeared. To think I could possibly get out of bed without daydreaming of yesterday or sudden pain shooting through the course of my body. I bit my lip to yield the yelp urging to escape. My left leg was throbbing in so much pain. What happened? Is my tendinitis coming back? I struggled to remember as I rubbed my throbbing head. WHY DOES EVERYTHING ACHE?! I then looked over to my tear stained pillow and started to recall the probably worst yet amazing day of my life. Flashbacks of yesterday torment my mind while a smile played across my lips.

**********Flashback Begins**********
I remember walking into the cafeteria and sitting in the way back where there was no windows and cast a very dark and gloomy shadow to allow no one to recognize my face nor existence. I sat at the table alone. No one to judge nor bother me. It was just me, myself, and I. I sat near the goth and emo table and THEY even got more visitors than I ever did or probably will. It didn't bother me. It was kind of nice. I was able to see the entire cafeteria. I had friends but they had a higher social status than I did.

There were many stereotypes in Oakland High. The jocks, geeks, nerds, bookworms, you name it. And then there was squad or what I liked to call them, bitch clan. They were at the top of the school. It was full of jocks and cheerleaders. They were very obsessed with themselves. They always found a way to raise hell. I ,for some of reason, was always picked on by them and almost anyone because "squad" cast Hell upon me. Thank you so much for that, I don't know what I'd do without that chaos in my life.

"Hey Ananda." Some shouted in unison while others murmured in a rude and disgusted manner. "What do you want? I questioned them with annoyance. "We just wanted to drop by to see you suffer with the disgusting existence you've brought upon our beautiful Earth." Sabrina chirped. I glared at each of them keeping a blank glare not showing expression for it would only bring them joy. And believe me when I tell you, that if I had any chance at all, I would return them the favor of giving Hell back to each and every last one of them through my fist. "Really? 'cuz I thought that was hell's job and seems to me that you've risen it." I snapped back with
an urge to slap the smirk off of each of their faces. Instead I started to huff and stood up. There was very little staff in the cafeteria no one would be able to stop me. I balled my fist up and started to pull it back but soon thought of my mom and how she told me not to get into anymore fights. I unfolded my fist and began to walk towards the cafeteria doors when suddenly I was tapped on my shoulder. I, now annoyed, turned around with annoyance before having pudding smashed into my face. Now I was fuming with rage. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. Stay strong Ananda. I turned back and ran down the hallway away from the cafeteria full of laughter and shouts which I knew was coming from my friends, but didn't think once to turn back.

I suffered throughout that day avoiding my friends and everyone for that matter. School had ended and I couldn't wait to get back to the comfort of my room. 5 minutes after the bell rang my phone was blown up with texts. 12:47 Ananda look over here. What's wrong? -Beatrice 1:42 Ananda , are you okay? -Allie 2:05 Ananda, I think we should talk with the Rejected Mallabac. It seems like you've got some leading to do. - Andrew.  I thought about the group I created and debating if I should leave. I'm really tired though. I should go home. *Buzz* I looked only to be disappointed by a text from my dad. Working late can't come and get you. Try to catch a ride. I love you. -Dad Great. I laughed to myself and began to walk because I really didn't want to hear any bullshit. Ananda we are your friends. Ananda I care about you. Ananda if we weren't your friends then why are we sitting here with you? I mentally raised my hand. I know! It's because you like to see me weak and defenseless as I suffer. You want to soften me up so that you can stab me in the back like you've done... MILLION TIMES BEFORE! You use me like everyone else and throw me away like trash. I'm better off as a loner.

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