Chapter #6: Blast from the Past

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Side Note: This is a backstory chapter, so we're going to mainly see Y/N before he went into the school that he and Uzi go to. Okay? Just wanted to tell you so that we'd avoid confusion. With that out of the way, let's get this over with. Spoiler alert, despite Episode 5 being pretty short in comparison to the other Post-Prom episodes, this is hands down going to be one of, if not, the longest chapter in this story. Like, even if you combine the length of Chapters 1 and 2, which both took place during the pilot episode, it would still be shorter than this one chapter. You'll see for later. Okay, enough stalling, for real this time, time to learn the full story of Y/N.

(F/L/O/Y/B/N: First Letter of your Brother's Name)

(M/O/B: Month of Birth)

(D/O/B: Day of Birth)

(L/N: Last Name)

(F/L/O/Y/N wakes up after a little nap because of his little brother, F/L/O/Y/B/N or B/N as he and his family likes to call him. Y/N's family liked to give each other nicknames that sounded unique instead of just calling us letters all the time. Even with how much B/N annoyed him, Y/N still couldn't help but love him too death.)

Y/N: Hey, little guy.

B/N: Hey, big bro! It's morning time, it's morning time!

(B/N grabbed Y/N's arm and brings him to the living room of their family's living quarters. Y/N notices the rest of the family, S/N, D/N, M/N and J, putting their clothes on and getting ready to do another day of hard work. Just another day in the life of a Worker Drone when it comes to this stupid mansion that they are stuck in.)

S/N: Hey, little bros!

Y/N: Hi, S/N.

B/N: Sis!

(B/N hugs S/N tightly as S/N hugs him back while Y/N and J, or Jasmine, as the family likes to call her, high-five before hugging each other as well.)

D/N: We've been trying to wake you up for hours! You got us worrying about you boys.

Y/N: S- Sorry, dad.

D/N: It's fine, kid. Just make sure to set your alarm clock on next time, please.

B/N: Okay, papa! But before I get my clothes on, I need to do something really, super, insanely important!

(B/N puts his hand in his coat pocket and pulls out pictures of the family, one for each of the six members.)

B/N: One more me... One for Mommy and Daddy...

(B/N walks up to M/N and D/N and hugs them both before walking over to S/N and giving her a picture as well.)

B/N: One for big sis number one...

(B/N smiles at S/N before giving Jasmine [J] another one of the pictures.

B/N: One for big sis number two...

(B/N hugs Jasmine [J] tightly and doesn't let go until a few more seconds, then he walks up to Y/N and gives one last picture to him.)

B/N: And one for the big bro! One for each of us!

(Y/N looks at the picture that B/N gave him and almost tears up from it. B/N had drawn and colored in all of the members of the family, right down to the matching eye colors. He even put the nicknames for each of the members.)

M/N: Is this for us? Aw.

B/N: 1 times 5 equals 5! I did it, mom! I did it!

(The rest of the family couldn't help but chuckle at B/N's adorable nature as Jasmine [J] gives B/N a peck on the cheek.)

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