Chapter 9

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You understood now why Vox popped open the champagne. Downtown Pentagram City was half an hour away. You cross your legs to get comfortable while Vox manspreads. You'd taken a couple sips from your drink and felt a little buzzed after awhile. You cringed every time the alcohol met your tongue. Your eyes scrunching up and your lip quivering. "You drink much?" Vox asked as he slouched back. "I smoke more than I drink." You laugh nervously, bringing your lips to your drink and taking another few sips. "I can tell you're a weak drinker." He smirks as the corner of your lip twitches in disgust. "This tasted better than most stuff I've had." You force a polite smile while Vox taps his foot. "I prefer the harder stuff." Vox sighs, setting his glass down. "Me too." You say, mirroring him.

You watch silently as the buildings pass you by, different business caught your eye as you tried to speed read the signs. The neon lights grew stronger as you went deeper into town. More advertisement billboards were shoved in your face and large skyscrapers bore high into Hell's red sky. You felt a bit claustrophobic.

You picked your champagne glass back up and started sipping. "You alright?" Vox took notice to your unease. "Oh pshh yeah." You laugh and finish your glass. "Refill?" Vox inquires. "Yeah what the hell." You shrug and Vox pours your glass full again. "Don't get too drunk." He smirks and you pay him no mind. "Haven't gotten drunk in Hell yet." You pout as you sip on the sparkling bubbles. "Good. Knowing you, you'd make a fool of yourself." Vox snickered as your face contorted to a look of angry. "I'll have you know-" You point a sharply pedicured nail to his chest. "That I'm a very skilled drinker." Vox's eyes narrow as you finish your second glass. "You're gonna regret that." He refills his glass before refilling yours. "Whatever." You mumble already feeling weird and tingly with energy.

"We're about to pass by Heaven's Embassy." Vox told you, pointing to his side of the limousine. You were never that intrigued by Heaven, even after what they had to say about you. But you felt a ghostly energy crawl up your arms. As the limousine got closer the energy grew, to the point of being prickly and almost pleasurable. You were absolutely fascinated by this.

Sitting your drink down you change your spot and move close to Vox, nearly crawling on top of him to see the golden glow in the distance. "Jeez." Vox sighed, regretting ever putting you on this pipeline. "Woah." Your eyes grow big as you stare up and into the sky at Heaven's Embassy. The clock tower held so much energy it made your head spin. "I can feel it." You say, looking at Vox who had no idea what your were talking about. "Come again?" You shake your head at him and look back at the tower. "I can feel the energy from the clock tower." Vox ushers you to sit back down and you finally do. "What's it counting down to?" You ask, your head feeling dizzy as Heavens Embassy is now far behind you. "The extermination." He takes a drink from his glass, then a few more.

"Right." You figured out what that was not too long ago. The idea that Heaven meddled with Hell and its people seemed unfair to you. "I'm glad I disturbed Heaven and the big daddy for what it's worth." You say proudly. Vox spares you a glance before returning his attention to the window. "You're lucky they didn't exorcise you." Vox was suddenly bitter and you took this a sign to sip and stay quiet.

You were slightly drunk, the energy from Heaven's Embassy slowly draining away. Looking out the window past Vox, the buildings started to appear a bit older and fancier. The crowd looked more regal and you realized this must be an upper class part of Pentagram City. As the limousine slowed with traffic you notice paparazzi chasing a male sinner. He was very attractive with short dark blue hair and pointed horned ears. You recognized him in one of Vox's programs. "Hey who's that!" You pointed, earning a sliver of Vox's attention. His screen was dimly gray, his eyes bright red. "That's Laufeyson and quit pointing." Vox ordered and you forced yourself away from the window.

Transmission To Disorder (Vox x reader) (Vee's x reader)Where stories live. Discover now