Chapter 1: The Rock Star

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*Background: after watching this tom hardy movie called Bronson I loved his character for how chaotic he was and how he did everything with no real reaosn other than he wanted to his character was funny, unique and the fact his character is a real person made me love it even more its a very unique film I'd say check it out but I thought after watching "You know this guy would cause hell in MHA" so here we are*


UA had decided to start a new program for troubled youth the program pretty much would take a troubled youth and put them through UA in hopes of turning them into a respectable hero of society but wanting to prove the program can work they decided to go and find the most troublesome youth they can find and they found them all right

we see Principal Nezu, Aziwa, all might (skinny form) and the principle of the school who was busy shouting at them


Nezu tried to keep the peace

Nezu: Please sir let us remain calm we wish to see young Pearson first then we'll see if he's fit for our new program

The Principle laughs

Principle: then take my word for it THAT LITTLE CUNT AIN'T NO DAMN HERO!!

Nezu takes a sip of tea

Nezu: Now, Now no need for foul language now what has this mickey Pearson done thats so bad

The principle blinks in shock that nezu hasn't heard

Principle: more like what hasn't he done *pulls out file which was pretty thick* lets see here Ah yeah robbery, assault, battery, robbery again, assault again, indecent expose plus assault, ransom I can go on and on this boy once took the previous principle hostage I've been working here for a fuckin year now AND I'M ALREADY SO SICK OF HIS SHIT!!!

Nezu, all might and Aziwa look at each other

All might: Uh what happened to the other principle

The Principle shakes his head groaning

Principle: The previous Principle was taken hostage By charlie during one of his riots we have footage wanna see?

The hero's node and the Principle walks over to a TV on the wall and turns it on and then begins to play Charle's riot

On the screen the hero's watch as they see...

A nude charlie running around with a homemade spear made out of a broken broom handle and a broken bottle attached to it he had face paint on which resembled a skeleton he ran around laughing breaking stuff while the poor previous is tied down to a table gagged with a banana in his throat and his pants and underwear missing in which Charlie or someone had rubbed mustard on his...down there parts they then watch as Charlie hoped onto a table and began to sing using the homemade spear like a microphone though his singing was...not to good

Charles Bronson: When i'm a rock N Roll, oooh, When I'm a rock N roll, When I'm a rock N roll Star...When I'm a rock N roll, He's a rock N roll, when I'm A rock N Roll, When I'm A Rock N Rollllllllllllll YEAH I'M A SUPER STAR!!! *laughs*

Guard then busted into the room and Charlie throws the spear away and smiles laughing


Charlie hops off the table punching the first guard and proceeds to try and fight the other guards off he beat a few down but finally got his beat down as well and pretty good

the Principle shuts the video off the hero's seemed shocked

Principle: the previous principle had to go to a few months of therapy and this little shit has already cost the system in MILLION OF DOLLARS OF DAMAGE HE STARTED A RIOT WITH SOME OF THE SPECIAL ED AND THEY TORE UP THE WHOLE FUCKIN ROOF, FUCKIN UP THE WATER SYSTEM, PIPES, AIR CONDTIONING, WINDOWS, HELL EVEN THE FUCKIN BATHROOMS!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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