chapter 13

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we watched from the tree line for any moment from the hollow rock, it had been hours since we initially found that the strange faceless creatures weren't what they seemed. 

the fact that one of them happens to be a female? That was the hardest thing to comprehend. it had been so long since we had last seen a female of our own kind, in fact the last time we had we were still younglings.

We had lived with many others in a village with our mother and father. I faintly remember the night our home was attacked by the Dazinri. a rival tribe made up of mostly ruthless males. 

They attacked our village in the night raiding our food stores, taking our pelts, and even taking some of the women. That night our mother had been killed right before me and Eiso's eyes.

By morning the rest of the tribe had decided that staying in our ancestral home was no longer an option, so we had to leave and find a new place far from the Dazinri. Unfortunately our father was still mourning the loss of our mother and we were too young to travel that far so the three of us were left behind. 

He took care of us and raised us, teaching us everything he knew until we were fully matured but in that time not once had we seen any others of our kind and we had no way to track down our previous tribe so we stayed here living in isolation. until now.

Now after years we finally found something.

‘perhaps this is a bad idea.’ Eiso spoke to me and I glanced back at him as he stood leaning against a tree watching the strange shelter the female and other male's were hiding in. 

‘A bad idea? Do you have any other ideas?’ I growled in annoyance. 

he quickly growled back, narrowing his eyes. ‘Those males could see us as raiders or competition! they could attack us Eikan you realize this, yes?’

my tail flicked around behind me in irritation. ‘I know but we have been isolated for so long… I don't want to live like this anymore Eiso and neither do you! if we don't do something then we may lose our chance to ever find a mate and we'll be stuck alone the rest of our lives!’

Eiso huffed as his tail slammed against the ground. ‘I'd rather not make an enemy out of another tribe.’

‘we won't. we just need to separate one of them, gain their trust and learn more of where they come from. Once they see we aren't bad then maybe we can join their tribe!’ I exclaimed.

Eiso still seemed conflicted as he grumbled. ‘For once your idea isn't as stupid as it sounds. but it's still reckless.’ 

I growled back at him. ‘excuse me?!’

his head snapped up and his eyes widened before he put his hand in my face to silence me. ‘Stop! one of them is emerging!’ 

I quickly looked back to the field and sure enough the rock started opening up. We watched and waited anxiously as the familiar small form of the female we saw earlier came out without her strange head mask. 

She lifted her arms above her head, stretching as she came out to gaze at the forest and its bioluminescent glow. ‘keep watch. If this plan of yours backfires we leave immediately.’  Eiso ordered as he moved closer to the treeline.

huffing, I watched as the female looked around and gazed at the glowing residue on her fingers left behind by the fruit I had given her before. 

something inside me swelled in pride at the realization that she consumed the food I had provided her. Father always said we were supposed to care for and provide for our mates and family, that it was the greatest feeling in the world. I had never understood that until now. 

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