Chapter 21: A Goal and MORE DARES!

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Brett's POV

The bus stops and when everyone gets off,  five parents are asking where there child is and I say.

Brett: There dead.

The parents that lost their child start to cry and start yelling at the teacher and saying that he shouldn't have made four Disassembly drones as camp counselors and Khan comes out to see Uzi and when sees Thad, he gives him a dirty look and says to him.

Khan: Your not allowed at the colony anymore!

Thad: Why?


Thad: I get it.

Thad sighs and I ask Khan.

Brett: Can me and my friends over here stay at the colony for a bit.

Khan: Okay but who killed the five students.

Uzi had a scared face on her but I didn't want Khan to hate Uzi until I have to tell the truth.

Brett: It was Uzi Khan.

Uzi had a look of betrayal on her face and said.

Uzi: BRETT! you traitor.

Brett: I didn't promise you I would say the truth.

Khan: I-Is this true.

All the parents had shocked faces on them when they heard what I said.

Uzi: Yes it's true.

Khan: Why?

Uzi: I don't know BITE ME! I had no control of myself.

Khan(whispers): Just like your mother!

Uzi: What was that?

Khan: Oh nothing.

Uzi Okay.

Khan: Well you six can come in except for you Thad.

Thad: Okay.

Third Person POV

Everyone goes in except for Thad while he just sits outside the colony feeling dread. The seven reach Uzi's apartment and N, V, E, Brett, Uzi, and K who is still holding a worn out T who needs oil go to Uzi's room. Once the six enter the room, K sets T on Uzi's bed and she asks Uzi.

K: Do you have any oil that I can feed T?

Uzi: I think I do.

Uzi then looks around her room for oil and she finds a canister of oil.

Uzi: Here you go.

K: Thanks.

K then feeds T this oil and then T starts to reboot.


T then reboots and opens his eyes on his visor and says

T: Ugh, what happened?

Brett: You passed out after your instance fight with D.

T: Oh yeah.

E: Wait... D IS ALIVE.

K: Yeah, we separated after we broke up.

K: Also E, your sisters are here to, N's older brother is here something with V's older sister.


K: Yes.


K: Yes.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now