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2nd September 1993

GIRLS were awoken from their peaceful slumber with unbearable sound of Alicia's alarm going off. Grunting and sighting spread through the girls' dormitories, as they rubbed their sleepy eyes.

"Alicia, babe, i love you, but why this?" whined Katie with her hoarse morning voice. Ladies slowly sat up, their hair a mess and puffy eye lids due to their night talk.

Alicia mumbled weak 'sorry' as she stretched her sore back, other girls following suit. First out of bed was surprisingly Y/N. Her bare feet hit the ground, cold creeps running down her spine making her teeth chatter.

She fastly leaped to the heating stove, casting Incendio on a couple of wooden planks left inside. Her new friends looked at her gratefully as she made her way to the bathroom, cosmetic bag in her hand.

Y/H/C haired girl used Sleekeazy's Hair Potion to manage her (short/long) hair. She straightened them and took few strands from front tying them on the back of her Y/F/S head.

Then she brushed her pearly teeth and used some of the cosmetics and make up she bought with her beloved mother. Satisfied with her outcome, Y/N stepped out from the chilly bathroom glancing around their room. Other three girls were already changed, sitting on the four-poster beds and waiting for their turn to go inside.

Angelina was first to see Y/N and she couldn't help but open her mouth.
"How did you made your hair so sleek?" asked dark skinned girl eager to hear the answer. Y/E/C eyed girl grinned and took out few packages of her saving grace and showed it to curious girls.

"This, my friends, is the holy grail of wizarding world made by Fleamont Potter," she acted as if she was market seller. She handed one pack to every girl and winked at them. Angelina practically bolted into the bathroom, while the last pair of girls impatiently seated themselves opposite the two large mirrors in the room.

"You mean to tell me I was sleeping on this my whole life!" squealed the girl from the bathroom. Katie and Alicia had surprised faces too, gratitude evident in their eyes.

Angie came out, trying to give Y/N back the potion but she shook her head. "You keep it girls, I have enough until Christmas, then I'll buy more of these," she assured them. The girls squealed again and engulfed Y/N in a group hug.

After everyone had their turn in the bathroom, they headed down to breakfast. They had enough time until lessons started, so they walked slowly, showing the new student everything they thought was important.

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