Chapter 12 - Oh my GAWD it's a DOUBLE RAINBOW!

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Kiss Me, K-K-Kiss Me

*Goes out to tyrus222 for 4th comment on 10th chapter(:*

Chapter 12 - Oh my GAWD it's a DOUBLE RAINBOW!

Hey, did I forgot to mention Peter?

No, it's not Pete's other name.

He's actually WAY worse than Pete, actually.

They told us he was dead!

But, I guess they were wrong.

He's the one who trained Pete.

The one who assigned all these duties to be fulfilled.

And, he's the principal's arch enemy.

And from all this, you can pretty much guess who killed Tyler's dad.

"I'm gonna f*cking kill him. . ." Tyler muttering dangerously.

"Hold on. We need a plan if you want this to work," I said, trying to soothe him.

"Fine," He grumbled.

"Let's just watch first, ok?" I said.

He nodded.

Peter walked up to the camera and looked straight into it.

"You're next, daddy's boy," He said.

And he shot the camera.

"Look at another one! Hurry up!" Tyler said.

I was breathing heavily.

"He knows where we are Tyler!" I said in a high voice.

"No he doesn't! He's just intimidating us! Hurry!" He said.

I nodded and shakily looked at the others.

But each camera I went to, he just happened to be there to shoot it.

But soon, someone caught up to him to talk.

"Take a picture of this! Hurry!" Tyler said.

Nodded and shakily pressed to the two buttons.

But, I did it the wrong way and ended up on the home screen.

"Quick! Go back!" He said impatiently.

I nodded and pressed the app shakily.

An island with little pigmy's popped up.

"Oh my gawd it's a double rainbow!" One of them said.

"Wrong one!" Tyler growled.

I nodded and went back to the camera one.

I got the picture just in time.

But, he was already walking, sort of.

He shot that camera, and went outside.

I check the one's outside.

He didn't bother to shoot them.

He just went in the principal's car.

"Oh sh!t. . . he's coming," Tyler muttered.

I started crying.

This was too much!

He grabbed my phone and called someone.

"Who the hell are you calling?!"

And as if on cue, Peter picks up the phone from inside the car and answers it.

"Hello?" He says.

"Don't go. We'll be there soon," Tyler said.

My eyes widened.

"Excellent," Peter said.

And then he hung up.

"I'll be back," Tyler said, kissing me cheek and heading out the door.

I opened my iPod.

"Oh my GAWD it's a double rainbow!" It said again.

"Oh f*ck you," I said to it.

I locked it and watched Tyler go out the driveway and speed to the school.

I knew what I had to do.

I crept into his garage and took the keys to his shiny red Porsche.

School *cough* prison *cough*, here I come.


Well, here's chapter 12!

Aha, sorry for the messed up upload for chapter 11.

It's a long story...

Anyways, I don't know how much I asked for, but I think it was like 8 to 9?

Oh, I don't know...

So, I'm going to go by halves of the chapter:

Like, since this is the 12th chapter, I need 6 votes and comments(:

And as for the reads, THANKS SO MUCH FOR LIKE THE 1,800 READS PEOPLE! <3

So, 2,000 maybe? Maybe 2,500? JK!

But seriously, 2,000. I'd like the 2,500, but you don't have to(:

And really please vote and comment(:

I've always wanted to get on the What's Hot list (I know I never will, but it doesn't hurt to dream) and this is the one that's most likely to go on it, since it's the most popular of my stories(:

And to all you fans out there who like this, I'm writing a sequel(:

I don't know how, but I will(:

Just give me sugar cookies, music, and milk and I'll be good to go(:


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