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wordcount: 813 words
[ listen to vienna by billy joel while reading
this bc i did n it's so fitting ]


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THANK YOU FOR YOUR letter, I really did appreciate it. Honestly, I was a bit shocked when it first came in the mail. I thought after how I left you, you wouldn't bother to contact me again, but I should've known that you would at least try with how persistent you are. I won't bother to ask how you are because I know you must be miserable sitting in a cell all day long.

When I first read your letter, the contents of it shook me to my core, but then I read it again, and I remembered what you said about dabi, or touya, as you called him and it all made sense. I want to apologize for not listening to you the moment he first approached me. You've known him longer and you know what he does, as you said. But I suppose I was just being young and naïve.

When the cops picked you up that day, he told me he called them for everything you've done from the moment he met you, and I told him that he shouldn't bother contacting me again because, believe it or not, I genuinely do care for you. I think I care for you more than I'd like to care for you. Anyway, he didn't contact me again after that. Until now that is.

About a week or so later, he came to the ballet studio after my practice ended and he tried talking to me. He tried apologizing for hurting me and he said he would change his ways and a bunch of other shit like that, but I told him that I wasn't interested and that it was best if he left because he was the least of my worries and he wasn't the one I wanted.

I told him that he wasn't the one for me and that I had my eyes, and heart, set on someone else. He asked who it was and then I told him that it was you Katsuki. Because, believe it or not, you and your persistent self managed to squirm your way into my life and now that you're gone it feels wrong.

I visited the girls the other day, they really miss you. They kept asking about you and where you were and I told them that you were out of town, because I wasn't about to tell two five year old's that you had gotten arrested. Then they made me promise to bring you to them as soon as you got back, so Katsuki Bakugou I swear to god as soon as you get out of that place I'm taking you straight to the girls because I am tired of hearing the word 'Katty' in every second sentence.

Anyway, I'm not sure if you remember, but I auditioned for the Sugar Plum fairy and I got the role. I'm excited for it because I've always wanted to play the Sugar Plum fairy, and I got tickets. I got an extra one for you just in case. They're for the opening night, but just to be safe I got tickets for the last weekend as well, seeing as the play runs for two weeks, they're balcony seats so you'll be able to see clearly.

I would love for you to be there.

That's all about me then, thank you for asking. And I just wanted to say once again, thank you for your letter, and thank you for explaining everything to me. You really didn't have to consider it isn't any of my business what you did in your free time before we met, but I'm glad you did. I can't promise this, but I'll try and come to see you before you get out.

Stay safe and keep well Katsuki.

With love,

━━━ ★

i'm sad to say that this is the last official chapter of devils tango. i want to thank you all for coming with me on this journey and for supporting me through it and for sticking with me through all my slow updates and short-ish chapters. 

i truly appreciate every single one of you who has taken time out of your day to read my book and to comment and to vote on every single chapter that you've read. it makes me really happy to see how much love this book gets, and i hope it continues to get as much love as it does now. 

and although our journey with this book is over, our journey as author and reader/s isn't over yet, because y'know, i have ongoing books and there's more in the drafts. so i'll see you all in the next one :)) 

with all the love in my heart, 
s-shrooms <3

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