Chapter- 1

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As the sun's rays beamed across, a new day began. The bustling activity around the city was noticeable, except for the Khanna Mansion, which was silent due to the brewing turmoil within each family member.

It was 7 in the morning when Ruhi was sitting in her room at the window sill, drawing sketches. The pencil was working on the paper aimlessly, shaping, scrubbing, and sharpening the edges of the design, but her mind was lost. She hadn't slept a wink the whole night as she wasn't able to. It had been two days since she pulled the stunt of leaving the house, and for two days, both brothers were not talking to her. They were angry, above all hurt and upset for what she was going to do. However, she understood and accepted their reaction they were giving her as she was at fault. She was honest that if they hadn't returned on time to stop her, she would have left, and when she would have come back... even she didn't know about it.

As her alarm rang, she stood from the window and made her way towards the washroom. She needed to go out and unwind herself rather than staying at home and torturing her mind.

She splashed water on her face, and looked up in the mirror. The reality hit her all over again. She never noticed the significant sign how stupid she could be. Her eyes... she didn't have the same eyes as her father or mother, nor did any of her brothers share the same eye color with her, but theirs matched with their parents'. Her Dada and Bhaiyu had their father's brown eyes, while Ayaan had their mother's black eyes. But she was the only one with golden orbs, and yet again, it was a reminder that she wasn't who she was told. She was Ruhi, not Ruhi Khanna!!!

Shaking away her thoughts, she made her way downstairs and moved towards the temple room, at least to continue her daily routine and get some much-needed peace of mind she wanted.

In a cue Ayaan wheeled his father into the temple room, Ruhi stood back, allowing her mother and Dada to do their work as they were already present. Sensing a presence beside her, she looked at her side and was taken aback to see her Bhaiyu. As far as she remembered, Abhay Khanna believed in God but not in idol worship, so what had changed? Although Ayaan also shared his thoughts, today they were both present there. That confused her.

When Abhay didn't even spare her a glance, she looked away. The Twins didn't even talk to her, except for scolding her when she didn't have her meals on time, in a way she didn't eat on purpose, knowing her brothers would come around and she could sort it out. But some thick-skinned they were! Just one silent glare was enough to make her comply, which annoyed her to no end.

As Rudra handed her the Prasad, she realized she was late. Her Dada gets up at 6, goes for jogging, then freshens up, and comes for the Pooja. It's his fixed routine! Silently, she took the laddoo. However, when he didn't move, she slowly looked up with a questioning gaze.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" Rudra asked in his cold tone.

Ruhi looked down. She felt her Dada take a deep breath, and from her side glance, she saw her Bhaiyu clenching his fist. They were angry, yet they were controlling themselves and she was grateful for such mercies. Yesterday, she lied to them that she overslept when she walked out of her room at 12 in the afternoon. However, the truth was she was avoiding meeting anyone in the house. But when she almost fainted due to weakness, along with the underlying dark circles, it gave everything away.

Ruhi immediately grabbed Rudra and Abhay's hands as they turned to leave. Her mother had already taken their father to his room, so it was just the four of them there.

"Baat nahi karoge?" Ruhi asked in her soft voice.

Rudra turned towards her, "Say what you want to say."

Ruhi opened her mouth, but the words died down as she saw the intense look he gave her. She lowered her eyes, mumbling a 'sorry'. Abhay pulled back and walked away, as did Rudra. Ruhi stood there silently, not stopping them any further. She was the one at fault for avoiding them. No matter how many times she tried to come in terms with her reality, she just couldn't think pass the real truth and ended up hurting her brothers.

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