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"Tzuyu, what happened last night? Momo told me-"

"Oh, Momo? Again?"

"Hey I think we should focus on Tzuyu's love life now."

"So you consider Momo part of your love life? Interesting..."

"Stop it Jesus."

"Well stop dropping hints Dubu." Nayeon chuckled. They had all come to my house to 'interrogate' me about my night out with Sana.

"So, Tzuyu first of all. Did you tell her?". I nodded negatively. "Why? We did all this so that you could spend some time alone and tell her!" Chaeyoung got mad.

"Yeah I know and I never asked you to! I've told you I'm not ready to tell her, I'm not ready for her to find out yet! Just stop and please don't try anything else again, not unless I tell you to. Please.". They all looked at me. "Okay Tzuyu, we're sorry. Now can you tell us what happened?"

"Well, nothing happened. We watched the movie but before it started we saw an ex of hers and she kissed me to avoid her-"


"Well, first of all Nayeon calm down. Second, she simply did it because of her ex, it's not that she likes me or something." I said looking okay on the outside but feeling sad on the inside. Yes, I was a bit disappointed when I found out she used me to avoid her ex but I wouldn't change anything in that moment.

"Yeah, but she could have done something else couldn't she? Yet, she chose to kiss you. Tzuyu I think there's more to that kiss than you realize." Dahyun said. And maybe she was right. She could have just hidden her face behind her popcorn, she could have bent pretending to be looking for something, she could have done so many other things but she kissed me.

"Okay, um the movie was nice and afterwards I took her to a Christmas market-"

"A- wait what? You took Sana to a Christmas market? But Tzu, I thought-"

"Yeah, well it's been years. And it felt nice being there after all this time."

"It felt nice because you were there or because you were with Sana?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow waiting for my answer. I didn't really know. I think that if Sana hadn't told me she loves Christmas markets, I would never take her there. And if I hadn't, she wouldn't have gotten sick. And if she hadn't gotten sick, we wouldn't have-

"Okay lovebird, tell us the rest. Momo- uh someone told me Sana got sick." Dahyun said changing the name because she saw Nayeon was about to tease her.

"Yeah, while we were sitting at the market it started to snow. Sana didn't have much on so she got sick and I drove her home but then she collapsed in front of me. I took her in her bedroom and saw she had a fever so I decided to stay for the night. That's it.". I decided not to tell them that Sana kissed me (again) because Sana didn't know and I didn't want her to find out. She might have felt bad because she was sick and didn't know what she was doing.

"Mom- someone also told me something else..."

I looked at Dahyun in shock. Did Sana remember? Did she tell her friends that we kissed last night in her room? "What did they tell you?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"That you bought a silver skull necklace that cost 2000₩ for her birthday." The three of them looked at me with their mouths hanging open.

"Tzu! You don't buy me cute stuff when I ask you to!" Nayeon squealed, complaining like a five year old.

"I bought it for her because it was her birthday. And because I wanted to make up for her having to spend the night of her birthday with me."

"Oh, I don't think she was very sad she had to spend it with you." Chaeyoung nudged me and the others started giggling.

"Hahaha, so funny. So that's what Momo told you? She didn't tell you anything else?"

"Why, is there something else to tell?" Nayeon asked curiously and the girls stopped laughing. I realized I had messed up badly. "No no, there's nothing else." I said trying to hide my nervousness.

"Your feet are shaking which means you're nervous which means there is something else. Tell us Tzuyu!" Nayeon kept on pressuring. I knew she would never stop. I kept wishing for something to happen, for my phone to buzz, for the doorbell to ring, anything that could just get me out of this situation.

"Tzuyu! You're telling us. Now.". Okay, Nayeon was super serious about this.

"Okay I'll tell you but you must promise not to tell ANYONE. And when I say anyone I mean the J-GANG. Promise?"

"We promise Tzuyu!"

"Okay. When Sana was sick I put a wet towel on her forehead to make the fever stop and while I got up, I lost my balance and landed on top of her. She pulled me in and kissed me."


"Nayeon please stop shouting! She doesn't even remember it so it's okay, like it never happened!" I chuckled. I really didn't know how to feel about that kiss. We kissed twice and she initiated both kisses but I know she didn't mean any of them. I didn't mind though. I think.

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