19: DON'T BE

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"I'll pass." Tzuyu replied before grabbing Lisa's hands from her neck and throwing her to the ground. Lisa groaned but got up in front of Tzuyu while Rose was standing behind her.

"You're helpless Tzuyu and you know it. You're nothing without your little group of cheerleaders."

"I hope you accept my sincere apologies because I must say that you are wrong. Again." she said ironically and went for Lisa. She punched Lisa's stomach while Rose jumped on her back. Tzuyu didn't fall. She was stronger than Rose but then Lisa kicked her leg making her lose her balance and fall to the ground with Rose on her back. She managed to get up though and throw Rose off of her.

"You're so light Jesus. I could literally swear I saw a skeleton with more flesh than you." she told Rose who was now standing in front of her with Lisa. Lisa growled and put her hands around Tzuyu's neck. Tzuyu gasped as she felt she couldn't breathe properly.

"What's wrong? Cat caught your tongue?" Lisa said as she tightened her grip. Then, all of a sudden, a door burst open knocking Lisa to the ground while Tzuyu gasped for air.

"What the hell are you doing? I told you to not come out!"

"I know but you seemed like you-" A punch landed on Sana's right eye. Tzuyu quickly pushed her inside the toilet and locked the door. At the same time, Rose landed another punch, this time on Tzuyu's stomach. Tzuyu folded and Lisa pushed her to the ground.

"That's enough." Lisa said as she pulled a pocket knife from her pocket.

"Lis c'mon let's just leave her here." Rose said holding Lisa's hand. Lisa however pulled her hand away from her and turned back to Tzuyu.

"You play dirty girl. That's probably the only way you can defeat anyone." Tzuyu said as she got up, her eyes fixed on the knife Lisa was holding.

"I don't really care. As long as I win." Lisa said and swung the knife towards Tzuyu who dodged it. Then she tried again and Tzuyu avoided it for just a few centimeters this time. Rose didn't do anything and just ran out of the bathroom. Lisa tried for the third time and managed to slightly cut Tzuyu on the left side of her stomach. Tzuyu groaned before kneeling to the bathroom floor, holding her cut and looking up at Lisa who was smirking victoriously.

"All is fair in love and war hun." Lisa said and pinched Tzuyu's cheek before leaving the bathroom.

"Tzuyu? Tzuyu are you okay?" Sana said as she opened the toilet door and went to Tzuyu.

"I'm- fine." Tzuyu said as she got up still holding her cut. Sana quickly ran and got some paper to put over Tzuyu's cut. The tall girl reached for the paper but Sana pulled back. "Let me." she said and looked into Tzuyu's eyes. The latter slightly pulled her shirt up to reveal a large but not deep cut on the left side of her stomach. Sana put some paper over her cut making Tzuyu groan. "Sorry." Sana apologized as she put some more paper over her wound.

"It's okay." Tzuyu groaned one more time looking in Sana's eyes. Sana folded more paper and was about to put it over Tzuyu's cut when she realized the tall one was looking at her. She looked at her too, not knowing what to feel. She felt an urge, a desire, she didn't know what it was. Neither of them knew what was the right thing to do. They just knew what they wanted.

Tzuyu grabbed Sana's waist pulling her closer as she claimed her lips. Sana wasn't shocked and didn't hesitate. She wrapped her hands around Tzuyu's nape as she kissed her back with passion. Both totally forgot Tzuyu's cut, both totally forgot their classes. They just wanted to live in that moment. Ten seconds later, they pulled back since they had ran out of breath and rested their foreheads on each other.

"Sana, I'm sorry-". Tzuyu couldn't finish her sentence because Sana mashed her lips onto hers one more time.

"Don't be." Sana said once she broke the kiss and hugged the tall girl careful not to touch her wound. Tzuyu hugged her back, placing her chin on Sana's head and stroking her hair.

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