First meet ❤️

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Author pov.....

A man was working on the laptop on his room suddenly someone come his room

"Joon my old son"

The man looked at the person with done face

"Mom why you called me old am i look like old?"

"Then what should i do look at you you didn't married yet and where your friends have kids"

"Oh please mom i told you that before i don't want to get married"

"I see I'm going to die without seeing my grandchild's face"

"Mom please don't say this it's hurt me"

"Then think about me it's also hurt me when my son living alone in his life"

"But mom you know that i don't believe in marriage"

"Namjoon my son look at you age it's increase day by day and because of this you disbelief from everything"

"Mom don't bring my age here"

"Okay leave like this I'm not going to talk to you" about to go but namjoon stop her

"Okay fine I'm ready"

"Really my son I'm so happy okay be ready we going to meet them tomorrow evening"

Said this she left not let speak namjoon, namjoon mouth hand open after hear this and move his head in disbelief

The other side a cute girl reading a book then her mother call her

"y/n please come on the dinner table"

"Okay mom"

Y/n head toward dinning table and seat on the chair suddenly mr.choi said

"Y/n tomorrow we going to meet someone so be ready at 6pm"

"Where honey"

"You forget"

Mrs.choi nodded

"The meeting aboit y/n's marriage"

Y/n looked at her father with shock face

"But honey don't you think it's to early for her she is 20 now at lest let her complete her study"

"Honey she can do whatever she want but after marriage and y/n i didn't force the boy is really good and nice person like you want"

Mr.choi said this while caressed y/n's hair

"And honey he is my friend's son he is very great guy"

Mrs.choi looked at y/n and ask

"Baby do you want to get married?"

Y/n lowered her head ans said

"I respect papa's decision and i accept it"

With a little smile she left

"I'm so happy to have a daughter like her"

"Me too"

Y/n come to her room with red face yes she is blushing so much

Next day

Everyone ready for there meet then y/n wear a top and a skirt beside namjoon wear a black shirt leave three botton open and silver pant when everyone ready they head toward there destination y/n's family reach first after sometine later namjoon's family come and they seat on the chair y/n was lowered her head down and other side namjoon using his phone speak

"Hello my friend nice to meet you"

"Me too long time we met"

"Yes and hello mrs.choi you look beautiful"

"Oh thank you and how are you"

"I'm fine and what about you"

"Fine as always"

Everyone was talking expected namjoon and y/n namjoon was too busy with his phone saw that so she snatched the phone from him

"Mom what are you doing I'm fixing the meeting give me the phone"

"No i won't and first it was not your office meeting and second behavie we are infront of your in law's"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and looked other side speak

"Hey my daughter what is your name"

"I'm choi y/n"

Heard this beautiful sound namjoon looked toward y/n and shock she was so beautiful so that he can't describe how beautiful she is that time she was still lowered her head

"Nice name and what you doing?"

"I'm science student"

"Oh you are so beautiful"

"Thank you"

Beside namjoon didn't blink a pinch he continuesly staring at her his mother can see that and hit oh his hand feel sudden hit he jerked off

"Huh what"

Hear this sound y/n looked at namjoon and when she saw namjoon she blink for sometime and thought he was so handsome said

"Where you lost my son"

"Nowhere mom"

After the meet everyone bid goodbye to everyone at night namjoon lying on the bed shirtless and think about y/n unknowingly a word come out from his mouth


On the other hand y/n also think about him and blushing

To be continue....

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