The Start

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“Once upon a time… Whoops! I lied, you thought this was going to be one of those petty Disney stories huh? Well sit back, Listen the fuck up, this is how I went from my worst to my best” I smirked looking up to my best friend, hoping to get some sort of approval.
     “Leone,” He started with a sigh, “You… You can't say that.” I groaned as he finished sorting my papers, setting the now sorted stack to the side. “You're going to be the school freak at this rate Leo.” I laid my head down with a small huff.
     I shifted in one of the many blue chairs in the room before speaking, “How do you know? Maybe the school will like it.” I smirked, grabbing the small stacks of papers from where he placed them going through the subjects, the girl next to us getting up.
     “Do you think it will work,” Noah sighed, taking a stack of the papers and putting it into my binder. “ Remember that this is for a grade. Not just one of those daydreams you have, idiot.” I nodded.
     Mumbling out, “I know mom. Thanks for the damn reminder.” I had to hold back a chuckle.
     “God, as if I’d have a child like you.” I scoff in response, Looking at him, His black mask fits perfectly along his face, His brown hair and the two blonde streaks in his hair highlight his tan skin well.
     “Dunno, I think I'd be the best son ever to have,” He groans. Grabbing a divider, and adding it to my binder. Writing ‘English’ on a small piece of paper, then slipping it in the cover.
     “Yea, if you never came home, Now where's your math papers.” I never understood what was so wrong with me being unorganized, but Noah always cleaned my things and organized them when he got stressed or it just simply got too hard for me to find shit. “Leone, Math papers not falling in love with a whiteboard,” Noah snaps in my face pulling me out of my daydreams.
     “Right, sorry,” I shuffled through the papers until I got to the math papers. Handing them over. “God, Mrs. Gene gives so much work... How do you keep it all in a folder?!” The only response I got was a stare. “What? Is it not okay to ask something like that? I'm seriously wondering here!” I questioned back. Getting a ‘shush’ from the teacher, strike 1.
     “You're an idiot Leo.” I gasped, dramatically putting a hand over the left of my chest. “Wrong placement. Your heart is in the middle” I gave a dead-pan face, seeing his mask crinkle. Over the years having Noah as my best friend I learned those were the times he had a smirk or smile on his face. One of those shit-eating grins when he gets to correct Charlie or me, or just is having a good time.
     “Jackass,” I reply, Causing more creases to appear on the small cloth. “What subject next,” I mumbled as he wrote on a small sheet. Reaching for a stack of papers, a realization that they were already taken. Noah sending a laugh my way.
     After the laughs calmed down with Miss. Lynn sent glares in our direction, Noah spoke closing my binder, “I'm already done ‘darling’,” His mask wrinkled as he used Charlie's favorite nickname for her friends. A small chuckle left my lips, pulling my binder closer. “So,” Noah started, “How's it going at home, Last time you said anything you weren't even acknowledging your dad.” I groaned remembering the last fight I had with my Father.

     “CAN’T YOU JUST DO ONE SIMPLE THING FOR GOD'S SAKE?” The raspy voice from my father flooded the apartment. I tried to ignore his screams like usual but I already had a hard day at school. I held back the urge to scream. I had to be better than him. I just had to be. If I wasn't. Who would care for me?
     “ARE YOU LISTENING YOU FUCKING UNGRATEFUL BRAT?” His voice raised more, Tears built up in my eyes, one blink away from exploding, letting tears run down my face.
     ‘Nodd, just. Nodd.’ I thought, If only my body could comply. I could only stand there with tears falling down my face. I wanted to scream at him. Tell him how much I hated him, how much he ruined my life. Key word. ‘Wanted’ I could never yell or scream at him. God knows what could happen to me, or anyone for that matter.
     The screaming continued until a loud knock came from the wooden door. I wanted to run to my room as soon as the door opened, I wanted to put on headphones, ignoring everything around me. All my problems. Just, pretend the world didn't exist.
     “Yes, Sorry Leone didn't do the things I've been asking him to do.” I heard my father lie. I knew Mrs. Peters didn't believe him, But she also knew I would rather live in this shit-hole than be in foster care. It was fine if it wasn't physical.     

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