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The horse carriage reached a long tower, as long as a 6 story building. Jungkook gestured Jisoo to get down the carriage. Jisoo did as he gestured.

Jisoo followed Jungkook. The guards opened the main gate of the tower. Jisoo and Jungkook appeared before the staircase. He again gestured Jisoo to go up with the stairs. After ascending about a hundred steps, they finally reached a door of an apartment.

Jungkook unlocked the padlock and there revealed an apartment to be very normal but casual. They entered into it. Jisoo looked around, she saw the lights and they are already lighted up and its scenario looks very comfortable.

"We're gonna stay here, from now on," Jungkook said. Jisoo nodded. "And you're gonna follow every instructions I give you. In the morning, you'll wake up at 6, make breakfast, then clean the untidy areas of the apartment. Then, prepare lunch and also dinner. Every work should be done with perfect ease," he said as Jisoo just nodded.

"And forget that you're are princess," Jungkook said with a straight face. "And also forget to think about running away again," he said while placing his thumb and index finger on Jisoo's chin. "Y-yeah, I won't," Jisoo said.

Jungkook left the apartment saying that he will come back at night. Jisoo started to prepare food. Thank God that there is a cook instruction book in the kitchen. Or else, Jisoo would definitely mess up while cooking, to be honest, she actually doesn't know how to cook properly.

After cooking, Jisoo went for a bath. There were several cloths of her size in the almirah. Jungkook must be brought all of her necessary things. She wore a pink normal gown. She was bored as she was alone in the apartment. So she roamed around the house. Jisoo realized that Jungkook stays here often. Everything in this apartment is very neat, but this house is not luxurious. Everything seems normal, different than the royal houses and palaces.

She saw a a room that contain thousands of worn out books. Interest hit her, so she entered the room that is more of a library.

She was conquering the books inside one after another. But in one corner of the library, she saw a photo album and there is no end of Jisoo's curiosity. She slowly picked up the photo album and started turning on the pages. She saw a cute boy standing a ball in hus hands, a very normal picture. She kept turning on the pages, several pictures of the boy, cute, Jisoo uttered.

Everytime she turns on the pages revealing the boy's photos, she feels good, it's obvious that she loves babies. Jisoo kept tuning but her interest flew away as she realized that the boy is Jungkook, who else could it be?

He looks very innocent in these pictures, but who knew that he would turn out to be an evil guy? Jisoo mumbled.

Jisoo's eyes diverted to another room's door. The room wasn't locked, she fully opened the door revealing a room full of dusts and dirt. But still she proceeded to walk ahead. This room is quite different from the other rooms, very dark and frowsy inside, just a window but it seemed not to be opened for years.

She however, found the light switch and turned it on. The lights are also flickering, the environment in this room is giving Jisoo horror vibes.

She looked at the wall and her eyes widened seeing all the familiar faces. So many pictures are attached to the room's wall and the people in the pictures turned out to be Jisoo's parents, Seokjin, Taehyung and Jisoo herself.

Everything is planned out, he planned everything, didn't he? Jisoo thought in nostalgia.

She went out of the room with disgust. Her eyes dropped a tear thinking about Taehyung. She cried out in despair. Her eyes dazzled because of the tears. She wanna run towards Taehyung and hug him, wanna cry on his shoulder. But everything is too cruel to let her do that. She is scared of her own future, so much afraid of what Jungkook will do next. Jisoo spent the whole time hugging her knees and sobbing while sitting on the sofa.
The calling bell is rung by Jungkook. He also knocked several times, but no response. An unknown fear crept in his mind. What happened to her? he thought being distracted. Dude, I locked the door! Jungkook let out a big sigh when he realized that the door is locked from outside by him, not from inside by Jisoo.

He began to search for the keys, where did the fucking key go now? he mumbled being annoyed. Another sigh left Jungkook's mouth when he found the key inside his bag. He immediately unlocked the padlock. He opened the door, but he saw nothing but everything black. Not a single ray of light can be seen. Did she flee? Jungkook thought as his anger raised up and forehead furrowed.

"JISOO!" Jungkook called her loudly but he got no response. He turned the light switch on. Jungkook's blood was boiling in high temperature, because he thought that Jisoo again fled, but the environment of the rooms don't seem like that.

Did something bad happen? suddenly this thought came crossing in his mind. His heart dithered thinking about this.

He ran towards the bedroom, but no sign of the stupid girl. He checked the washroom, but no benefit. He rushed towards the drawing room.

He never knew that he would end up seeing Jisoo all senseless, a deep cut on her wrist, a knife in the other hand and blood dripping one by one.
"Why did you do that!" Jungkook shouted. "ANSWER ME FUCK!!!" he shouted again getting no response from Jisoo whose face is pale, eyes are moisture, lips are not lively.

He gripped Jisoo's cheeks rudely with his palm. "Tell me why did you cut your wrist! If I was only one second late, then what disaster would happen, you don't have any idea, fuck! You would be just dead!" Jungkook shouted but Jisoo didn't seem to care about Jungkook's actions and words.

"Do you think I care, I don't care even if I die, because living with you and dying are nothing but the same," Jisoo said calmly, like she doesn't have any desire to live her life.

Jungkook's anger was roaming around his veins, but this time, his anger raised up to his head.
He slapped Jisoo hard. "DO YOU THINK THESE TYPE OF DRAMAS WILL MAKE MY HEART MELT? OR DO YOU THINK THAT I WILL LET YOU BE FREE! NEVER!!" Jungkook said grinning his teeth. "YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS, EVEN AFTER I DIE, NO ONE WILL COME TO SAVE YOU!" Jungkook said it out and left the place out of incontrollable anger.
Jisoo rested his head on the hospital bed, she is so much exhausted with her own life. What else she is not! Hated, puzzled, tricked, captive, humiliated! But she was also loved, loved by Taehyung. But it's all her misfortune that won't let her breath freely. It's so extreme and massive that, she can't even die, even if she wants or she tries.
"I will wait for you Taehyung until the day I die......"-Jisoo
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When The BLOOD will turn PURPLE [VSOOKOOK] ᵒⁿ-ʰᵒˡᵈWhere stories live. Discover now