Chapter 1: The Sky's Awake

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In the control center of Anna's mind, Joy counted down the seconds until she could press the button to wake up. Eventually, she lost patience and pressed it anyway. The other emotions filed into the room.

"What, already?" complained Disgust. "The sun's barely up yet."

"But it is up!" Joy said cheerfully. "The sky's awake, so Anna's awake!"

"It's way too early for work," Anger grouched.

"And how much sleep did we get last night anyway?" added Fear. "We're still growing, and a proper night's sleep is vital for our development."

"One day of less sleep won't hurt," said Joy. "You worry too much."

"That's my job."

"And it's my job to note that a lack of sleep may result in us getting tired and cranky later," said Sadness. "And no one likes that."

"I like it," said Anger.

"Eh, we'll cross those bridges when we get to them," said Joy. "Now, though, we should go wake our sister up so we can play with her!"

"Wait, you mean Elsa?" Sadness glanced out the window at Anna's Islands of Personality. There was Elsa Island, right next to Parents Island, Royalty Island, Kindness Island, and of course-already up and running-Unbridled Optimism Island. (Sadness still thought that that last one had a bit too unwieldy of a name.)

"Um, Joy," she said, "I know Anna loves Elsa and she loves Anna, but do we really want to wake her up? I mean, it's early, she probably wants to sleep in..."

"So what, we just let her be and be bored?" said Anger. "I say wake her!"

"Already on it," said Joy; Anna was already inside her sister's room.

"I'm just saying, what if Anna doesn't want to play with us?"

"Nonsense, she'll be thrilled!"

On the screen, Elsa pushed Anna off her bed, telling her to go play by herself.

"Huh," said Joy.

"What?" yelled Anger. "How dare she push us around!"

"And playing by ourselves won't be as much fun as playing with her," said Sadness gloomily.

"Don't worry, you two!" said Joy. "I know exactly how to get her to play with us!" She grabbed an idea lightbulb from the bin and stuck it in the control panel.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" asked Anna.

That did the trick; soon the two sisters were racing down the stairs to the ballroom. Once there, Elsa performed her magic, causing it to snow.

"Perfect," Joy said, smiling.

"You know, we're still in our nightgowns," said Fear. "Shouldn't we change into some warmer clothes? Or at least put on a jacket?"

"Yeah," said Disgust, "It'd be really uncomfortable to wear these if they got damp."

"I was thinking more along the lines of illness."

"Come on, guys, look at Elsa! Does she look like she's worried about those things?"

The emotions all glanced at the screen. Elsa had a big smile on her face as she made the floor icy, allowing Anna to slide around on it.

"See?" said Joy.

"Man, I wish Anna had powers like that," said Anger.

"Now Anger, you know that jealousy isn't constructive," said Joy. "Instead, think of all the things that Anna does have. For example, we're a princess!"

"Wha-Elsa's also a princess!"

"I know! Isn't it great?"

Anger rolled his eyes.

The two sisters spent the next hour playing in the snow, building snowmen and sliding down mounds, Joy operating the console the whole time.

Eventually, the sisters started a new game where Anna jumped in the air and landed on a column of snow that appeared under her. She kept leaping as higher and higher pillars, provided by Elsa, emerged to catch her.

"Uh, this is getting kind of dangerous," said Fear.

"Nonsense!" said Joy. "Elsa would never let us fall!"

Anna leapt again, but this time, no column appeared beneath her.

"Huh," said Joy.

"Ah!" shouted Fear. "What are we going to-" But before he could finish his sentence, a blast of magic from Elsa's hand hit Anna directly in the head and everything went dark.

The emotions wearily got to their feet.

"What happened?" said Sadness.

"I don't know," said Joy. "I think we were knocked unconscious somehow."

"Unconscious?" yelled Fear. "This is terrible! We could be laying on the floor, skull cracked open, slowly bleeding to death!"

"Blood?" said Disgust. "Ick."

"I'm sure it can't be that bad," said Joy, though there was still a bit of concern in her voice. "Here, let's just open our eyes and look around."

She pressed a button to do so. On the screen, the emotions saw that they were in Anna's bed, tended by a nurse and watched over by her mother and father.

"Ah, you're awake," her father said.

"What happened?" Anna asked.

" were playing with Elsa, when you fell and hit your head."

"Such is life," Sadness remarked. "One moment you're having fun with your sister, the next you suffer a major injury."

"Don't be such a downer, Sadness," said Joy. "This can't be that bad of an injury if we're already awake again, and I'm sure we'll be playing with our sister again very soon!"

On the screen, the nurse turned to Anna's parents. "She should stay in bed for the rest of today, but she should be fine by tomorrow."

"See?" said Joy. "What did I tell you?"

"Hey, do these look normal to you?" asked Disgust.

The other emotions turned to where she was looking at: the shelves of memories that had been created that day.

"I don't see anything wrong," said Anger.

"Well, no, there's nothing obviously wrong, but there's just about them."

Fear gasped. "Maybe the bump on our head gave us irreparable psychological damage!"

"Or maybe getting knocked unconscious just made us disoriented and there's absolutely nothing with them," said Joy.

Disgust sighed. "You're probably right."

"Of course I'm right. Now, let's get the rest that Anna needs. We'll be able to play with Elsa tomorrow."

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