Choose which one you want to be or change one to Y/N or your own OC
is a beloved Sarahphin/ angle moving up in ranks however questionable for being too sympathetic or empathetic to almost all. with many powers mainly known for sympathy, talking and turn into many different types of animals and water powers and multiple past lives one of them AoT universe with her two sisters, brother Eren.
Girlfriend/ wife of Reiner, Beretold, and Annie from Attack on TitanShe also possibly has teleportation powers or and objet that allows her to do so and can go to many different universes such as Steven Universe and/ or home-world where her first life as Purple Diamond who is very similar to Pink Diamond. Other places can transfer to are The Lion King universe, Dependence, Wings of Fire dragonet universe, Attack on titan, and a few others.
She is hardworking determined, caring, loving creative , smart stubborn, ... loves writing , Arts and crafts animals, justice morals and much more.Rannie:
Arguably endeared the worst out of the sisters with one tragic moment after another losing many lead her to become somewhat an antagonist with a backstory towards her bother and some scouts. Almost ended up as a sinner but didn't, though she wished she did... She and few others know the dark secrets that lie behind exterminators and Sarapins, one that Jackie unknowingly leading towards. Rannie must confront her sisters and other angels even if it means ultimemt punishment.
(looks the most like Al out of the 3)Rannie OC is inspired by multiple fandoms shows and movie characters she is suppose to look and act like mix of Halsey (one of mine and my sisters favorite singer) ,, look also a little like Eren her ex brother from AOT. Jinx/ Powder from Arcade Ledge of Legends series. As well as Vatainie from The Lion King 2 and maybe Ziera.
Alison: Youngest of the 3 sisters yet she is very smart, curious, inventive, and creative for her age, and for her own good. Has terminal illness but dose not let that stop her. Shes quite a creator arts & crafts, and inventor uses them to help herself, and others with problem and solving. However Alison's curiosity leads her to trouble especially when she over hears Rannie and some others hidden knowledge and plans as well as curiosity of wanting to be with her sisters as well as Meet her uncle Alestor who she doesn't think she has met.

Three Fallen Angles (Alestor's Nieces OC or Reader)
FanfictionChoose which one you want to be or change one to Y/N or your own OC Jackie: is a beloved Sarahphin/ angle moving up in ranks however questionable for being too sympathetic or empathetic to almost all with many powers mainly known for sympathy, talk...