\\ CH 1 - Danger //

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• Min Jung's POV •

I sighed and rested my cheek on my palm as I stared at the frustrating sheets of paper in front of me.

"Why did the teacher have to assign so much homework today?" I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Miss Min Jung?" A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, "May I come in?"

I nodded and waved my hand, "Yes, go ahead."

Taeyeon, one of the maids that watched over me, came in with a tray filled with several snacks and a cup of hot tea. My parents found her as an orphan and took her in when she was young, so we ended up growing up together.

"I brought you some snacks and tea since you're probably tired from your studies," She explained as she set the tray down and placed the snacks and tea on my table.

I smiled, "Thanks, you're really the best."

"Oh, and," Taeyeon paused before she headed towards the door, "your father asked you what kind of decorations you want for your birthday party?"

"I thought I told him already that I didn't want to have a birthday party," I explained and she laughed nervously.

"I'll get going now, miss. Is that what you want me to tell your father?" As she opened the door, I nodded in reply.

Finishing up the last of my homework, I arranged the papers neatly and slipped them into a folder to put in my bag. After going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I turned the lights off and snuggled into bed.

My eyes began to shut as I thought about how I should convince my dad to cancel the birthday party for me when I heard a noise coming from the window. Ignoring it, I pulled the covers higher over me until I heard another noise, as if someone was walking across the carpet.

I sat up and clutched my covers tighter, "Who's there?"

Before I could get out of bed to turn on the lights, someone grabbed my hair and covered my face with a strange-smelling cloth, "Wha-"

It didn't take long for me to feel my vision blur and the world turned black.


Gasping for breath, I woke up again in an unfamiliar place. The walls were stained and grey, and I could hear the muffled voice of several people talking. Panic started to rise in my chest and I wanted to scream, but there was something tied around my mouth. Tensing, I attempted to reach up and tug it off, but I realized my arms and hands were tied and I couldn't sit up from my position in the corner.

My eyes darted across the empty room, noticing the flickering light, a desk and a chair in the middle.

Where am I? Was I kidnapped?

As thoughts and possibilities dashed through my head, my eyes turned watery and my pulse raced.

No. Don't panic.

Clearing my head, my heart finally started to slow down and I grasped the knot around my arms. After several futile attempts at untying it, I tried to stretch my legs up in hope that the ends of my shoes might be sharp enough to cut me free. Unfortunately, I remembered I wasn't wearing any shoes.

"Look who's awake," My head whirled around to a man with a black mask entering the room.

Walking over to the chair and desk in the middle, he sat down and dialed a number using the phone on the desk.

"You've probably received the letter by now," The man spoke calmly.

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" a familiar voice echoed furiously from the phone's speaker.

That's... That's my father's voice!

Still maintaining the calm tone, the masked man replied, "You have until midnight to transfer the money into the account we directed you to."

"That's not enough time! Please just let me hear my daughter. Please!" My eyes teared up at the sound of my father pleading.

The masked man stood up with the phone and walked towards me as I watched him fearfully. I yelled in surprise when he pulled my hair harshly.

"F-father..." Although it was weak, I tried my best to call out to him in hopes that he would hear.

As my surroundings started to fade again, I could vaguely hear my father shouting something from the phone before I blacked out.


I grunted from the blinding light once I regained consciousness.

"She's awake!"

"Are you sure?"

"Darling, come here!"

Squinting my eyes, I reached my hand out and a warm hand embraced it.

"Father... W-What happened?" I spoke out hoarsely.

"You were kidnapped because your kidnapper wanted money from us. Everything is fine now. The police managed to get there in time and they're investigating further at the moment." My father stroked my head and hugged me.

"Am I-"

"In a hospital, yes. You're safe now." My mother continued.

"Your mother and I have decided," My father glanced at her as I tried to collect my thoughts, "that we need to hire a bodyguard for you."

My mother gestured towards the door, "Meet your new bodyguards."

The door slid open as 7 people stepped into the room.


I thought she said a bodyguard not SEVEN.

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