2| Football Match.

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2| Football Match

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2| Football Match.

Later that night, Shreyas was lying in bed, still buzzing from the evening’s events, when his phone buzzed with a new message. He grabbed it, his heart skipping a beat when he saw the sender.

Trisha: Hi Shreyas! Got your number from Shardul. Hope you don’t mind. 😊

Shreyas quickly sat up, a smile spreading across his face. He typed back eagerly.

Shreyas: Hey Trisha! Of course, I don’t mind. I was actually hoping you’d get in touch.

Trisha: Great! So, what are your plans for the weekend?

Shreyas: Nothing concrete yet. Why, what’s up?

Trisha: Well, I have a couple of tickets to a football match this Saturday. The thing is, I don’t really understand football, and I don’t want to go alone. Thought maybe you’d want to join me? You can bring someone else too, if you want.

Shreyas’ eyes lit up. He loved football and the chance to spend more time with Trisha was too good to pass up.

Shreyas: I’d love to! And actually, my sister Shresta would kill me if I went to a football match without her.
So, can I bring her along? She’ll keep things lively, trust me. 😅

Trisha: Perfect! The more, the merrier. I’m looking forward to it. 😊

Shreyas: Same here. Should be a fun day. Thanks for thinking of me.

Trisha: Well, who better to explain the game to me than a sportsman himself? See you on Saturday, Shreyas!

Shreyas: Absolutely. Looking forward to it, Trisha. Goodnight!

Trisha: Goodnight!

Shreyas put his phone down, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. The upcoming football match promised to be more than just a game—it was the beginning of something new and exciting.

And as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking about the unexpected turn his summer was taking.

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