secret admirer

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Additional Tags:

Fluff | Chatting & Messaging (not a full-blown chat fic but they do be writing) | Reader as a Spider-Person } Miguel O'Hara is Shy (this is my fic and I can babygirl him as hard as I want) | Miguel O'Hara is Bad at Feelings | Secret Identity


A mysterious stranger keeps on complimenting you via anonymous messages... who could they be?

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Unknown ID: Hey, just wanted to tell you did amazing on today's mission, keep up the good work :)

You look at the message displayed on your watch in confusion.

First of all, you didn't know sending anonymous messages was a thing, that's cool.

Second, who the hell would write something like that?

"Hobie, was this you?" You ask the teen sitting next to you in the cafeteria. The two of you (well, seven, if you count Miguel, Peter, and three other Spider-People that joined you) just finished a mission in Peter's universe. Fighting Sandman has always been a chore, especially when it turned out he was from Earth-7212017, aka freaking Sand-Planet.

Needless to say, if it wasn't for your idea to smash open one of the fire hydrants and shoot the web at the villain through the water, the fight would have taken much longer.

"No, Pavitr's the one that cracked your phone screen, he was taking selfies- wait, what we talking about?"

"About the-" Your eyes narrow. "So it was one of you, I knew it." Hobie raises his hands, pleading innocence. "Anyway, I'm talking about this message, look."

You raise your wrist towards his face so that he can read the words displayed on the orange screen. After a second he just raises his eyebrow and shakes his hand.

"Nah mate, that wasn't me." He grabs one of the cold fries from the plate the two of you are sharing. "Probably one of the guys from the mission, who knows."

"Yeah, but why did they send it... anonymously? That's what I can't figure out." You sigh and prop yourself up on your elbows. "Is texting a compliment this embarrassing?"

"Ooh, who texted you?" You flinch as a hand appears on your shoulder. Looking up you see Peter B., with Miguel following close behind.

"Peter, what did I tell you about snea-"

"Sneaking up on you, I know. I just couldn't resist." He shoots you an innocent Parker™ smile and you roll your eyes, unable to withstand such a classic move. "So, do tell. You got a secret admirer or something?"

"Em, I don't know, I'm probably just overthinking it..." You show the man your watch and sheepishly look to the side as Miguel also comes closer to read the message.

It feels weird to show a message from a supposed 'secret admirer' to your own crush and a reason for many sleepless nights, Miguel O'Hara himself.

"Seems pretty casual to me." Says the man in question, face seemingly 'stuck' in a frown.

"Miguel, this is exactly why you have no game. It's the smiley face that says it all, and oh, the plethora of feelings this simple emoji conveys! They clearly have a crush." You and Hobie both laugh at such 'undeniable' logic, while Miguel just rolls his eyes at the joke.

"I still think there's nothing to read into, it's a simple message. If whoever wrote it wanted it to mean something, they would have said so." Continues Miguel, straightening his back and making his way towards the cash register.

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