come a little bit closer, pt. 2

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"Welcome to my humble abode." You say as you fumble with your keys, trying to open the wooden door in front of you. You and your soon-to-be guest, Spider-Man, are currently standing in the hall in front of your flat, both wet to the bone.

You initially wanted to get home much faster, but the man leaned back into the kiss as soon you uttered the word 'coffee'.

Time seemed to fly as the two of you became lost in a passionate embrace within the secluded alley. It flew so fast, in fact, that you didn't notice the black clouds gathering in the sky until it was too late. The rain startled you both and you not wanting the night to end just yet, invited Spider-Man over.

You invited the goddamn Spider-Man to your flat.

You're not sure what surprised you more, the fact that you asked him to come over or the fact that he agreed immediately.

"There." You finally turn the key, and open the door. You hold it open and gesture to the man behind you to come in. "Heroes first." He rolls his eyes but enters your home without a word.

"Wow, this is... certainly one of the flats I've seen in my life." Says Spider-Man as you close the door behind the two of you and take off your shoes before putting your wet jacket on the hanger.

"Jeez, forgive me for not being able to afford anything better, it's gonna take a few more years before I can move somewhere else, preferably the top" You joke, vaguely gesturing to the ceiling. "Anyway, do you want something to drink? I have tea, coffee... water if you're boring, and something stronger if you're tired."

"Water for now, please. Also, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. My living arrangements at the moment are not much better. I actually sleep at work so..." He says, following you into the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I know you didn't mean it." You stand on your tip toes and kiss his cheek through the mask. "I like to think I know you, being 'mean'," You do air quotes with your fingers. "is simply your sense of humor." Opening one of the shelves, you take out two glasses and fill them up with water. You look around the kitchen and into the living room, thankful that you decided to clean a day prior.

Just as Spider-Man said, your flat is nothing special. It's a simple one-bedroom apartment, with a small living room, one bathroom, and a narrow kitchen. Nothing to write home about.

You tried your best to spice up those 30 square meters you own. You put up some posters, hang up pictures of family and friends, hell, you even had a bunch of potted plants (none of them died yet, please and thank you). However, despite your best efforts, it still felt...


You don't have time to overthink your living conditions as Spider-Man sneezes, almost spilling the water you just gave him.

"Oh my god, you must be freezing." You look down at the floor and see a small puddle that started to form at his feet. "Let me get you something to change into."

"It's not necessary-"

"I insist."

You don't wait for his reaction and go to your bedroom, returning a minute later with large pair of grey sweatpants and a blue t-shirt with a-

"Is that me?" Asks Spider-Man, and sure enough, the shirt has a big print of his mask in the middle. "Why would you have something like this?"

"Sometimes I miss you, you know?" You wink at him and put the clothes into his arms. "Go change, I'll wait for you in the living room." The man looks as if he wants to argue a little more, but in the end, goes to do as you said.

As he goes to the bathroom, you go to the living room, sprawling yourself across the couch. You grab the remote and turn on the tv, opening the HBO Max app and scrolling through it before finally landing on what you wanted.

"How do you feel about pirates?" You scream in the direction of the bathroom but get only a muffled 'What?!' in response. "Okay, you'll see when you get here. Oh, and if you want you can use the green towel to dry yourself!" 'Thanks!'

The door opens a few seconds later, and you laugh at the sight of Spider-Man wearing your clothes...

...over his suit.

"What are you on, take it off!" You wheeze. "Or, I don't know, make it disappear. It's nanotechnology, right?"

"It is." He says, sitting next to you on the couch. "But I'm keeping it on, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." You almost laugh again at such a ludicrous statement but bite your lip.

"We literally made out in the alley, upside down mind you, for over ten minutes. I don't think you can make me uncomfortable." You go and grab his hand. "And don't worry about your secret identity, you can keep your mask on. I know how important it is for you."

"That's not really what I-" He starts, but stops himself. He shakes his head and sighs. "You know what, you're right. You already saw the fangs anyway."

The suit slowly retracts from his skin, staying only on his head. You look at your laced fingers, squeezing his warm hand. You feel something sharp poking the back of your hand and turn it over.

"Woah, you have claws too? I thought they were a part of your suit, but this is so much cooler." You put his hand in your lap and run your fingers down the inside of his palm. "How does it work, Spider-Man? Can they retract on command? How did you even get them, is this also one of the 'spider' things? Wait, do they hurt-"

"My name is Miguel." He cuts you off, and you can see that he's looking anywhere but at you, with the bright blush adorning his neck telling you everything you need to know. "If you're asking me about such intimate details, the least I can do is tell you my name.

Your mind goes to the day you first moved into the city, to the man that just happened to walk by as you struggled to carry boxes to your apartment. You think about how he helped you, and how enamored you were by his maroon eyes and dark luscious hair.

His name, too, was Miguel.

You decide to keep that resemblance to yourself for now.

"Hi, Miguel." You smile at him. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Hi." He says back, softly. You can tell by the expression on his mask that he's relishing this moment. "And to answer your questions, yes, I can retract them, and no, it doesn't hurt. It did at the beginning, but now it's more of a... tingling sensation. I don't know how else to describe it." On cue, his talons retract, leaving behind only 'normal' hands.

"Fascinating..." You whisper to yourself, but shake your head, stopping yourself from asking more questions. This is not an interrogation, this is a date.


"Does it count as a date if we didn't go out?" Miguel's eyes widened, as that was the last thing he expected to leave your mouth. "I know that I proposed coffee but I think chilling at my flat is the 2nd best idea. Have you watched Our Flag Means Death?"

"I- no, I have not. You don't really have that much free time when you're a superhero. He looks away, clearly flustered. "And yes, if you want, this can count as a date."

"Perfect." You scoot closer to him, slotting your body next to his. You lay your head on his shoulder and press play on the remote. "I think you'll enjoy this one, it's my favorite show. Blackbeard will definitely be your favorite."

"We'll see about that." Miguel answers, amused as he rests his head atop yours.

You cast one last glance at your conjoined hands, before looking back at the TV with a smile.

It's a perfect date.

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