I remember touch

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Additional Tags:

Hurt/Comfort | Light Angst | Touch-Starved Miguel O'Hara | Miguel O'Hara Needs a Hug (he'll get it dw) | Tired Miguel O'Hara | Cuddling & Snuggling | Touchy-Feely | Soft Miguel O'Hara


People don't really think about how tragic the life of a superhero truly is.

Nobody wants to think about the lives that are lost, about the secrets and deceptions heroes bear to shield those they care for. An effort that often proves futile, seeing as the life of a superhero is a lonely one.

The life of a Spider-Man is a lonely one.

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or on how you and Miguel find solace in each other

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People don't really think about how tragic the life of a superhero really is.

Nobody wants to think about the lives that are lost, about the secrets and deceptions heroes bear to shield those they care for. An effort that often proves futile, seeing as the life of a superhero is a lonely one.

The life of a Spider-Man is a lonely one.

You would know that, seeing as for the past ten years you've been the one and only Spider-Man. Or at least, you used to be the only one.

These days, most of the faces you encounter are, in fact, fellow Spider-People.

The story of how you joined Spider Society was one you're sure you share with many. One day, Miguel O'Hara just showed up in your dimension, helped you take out the bad guy, and then offered you a brand new, multi-dimensional watch.

Well, there was one stark difference between your and the other Spider-People's recruitment.

Miguel emerged from the radiant, orange vortex a mere few seconds after your canon event happened. He witnessed with horror as you cradled the lifeless body of your universe's Gwen Stacy against your chest, overcome by sobs and guilt-ridden cries, blaming yourself for the tragedy.

You're not sure if you ever thanked Miguel for saving your life that day.

While you were "busy" grappling with grief, he was the one who apprehended the glitch-infected Green Goblin responsible for the catastrophe. The same villain that caused your... friend's? girlfriend's? The two of you never quite addressed the exact nature of your relationship, but now...

Now you will never have the time.

As the wailing police sirens grew louder and nearer, you reluctantly released your grip on Gwen's lifeless form and stood, your gaze fixed on the other Spider-Man. His expression remained hidden, just as yours did from him, yet a profound understanding passed between you, a shared comprehension of the pain that gripped your hearts.

"I..." He began, his gaze shifting nervously between you, Gwen's body, and the steadily diminishing portal. You closed your eyes for a fleeting moment, silently hoping he wouldn't offer empty sympathy - it was the last thing you needed right now. "Come with me, I'll help you." He finally suggested, his tone hesitant yet determined. And with that, he stepped into the orange vortex, carrying the limp Green Goblin over his shoulder.

You looked back one last time, your breath catching as you saw Captain Stacy emerging from his car, his frantic eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of his daughter.

With a heavy heart, you followed Miguel through the portal, leaving your past behind.

After that fateful encounter, you seamlessly integrated into the ranks of the Spider Society. While you were wary of forming new attachments, you found yourself becoming unexpectedly dependent on Miguel O'Hara. You reasoned with yourself that the sole reason for that was because he discovered you first, and thus, was your initial human connection within the Spider Society.

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