The Unknown

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[Somewhere, sometime in the afternoon]

A man walked through the large enchanting forests filled with promised wonders and fantastical beasts. As he weaved through, he saw countless creatures large and small.

At one point, he even caught a glimpse of a flying dragon!

'How amazing! How wonderful!! All of my life. This is the fruit of my life's work. Just to get here...'

As he thought to himself, he did not seem to realize that a figure- a woman, was walking towards him.

She wore a beautiful and elegant red dress that coated her perfect figure. The dress barely closed her upper body part but it shielded just enough for those with prying eyes to seek more. Making her seem as a vicious temptress.

The frills decorated and laced with a milky white color while the crown adorned on her stunningly long dark red hair shined under the might of the sun.

She has a small gentle smile on her face, rather opposite than her true feelings and emotions. Her eyes glistened darkly, her royal gold irises calmly and expertly inspecting all she could observe.

Particularly on the curious man exploring the vast and endless garden.

However, if someone was to carefully inspect the beauty, they would come to a realization that she is the embodiment of destruction.

With each step she took, her footprints stained the ground with a dull gray color. The lush surrounding her started to age and soon, they withered under her presence in an astonishing pace.

She walked towards the man who was deep in thought and didn't seem to notice the beauty behind him.

"Who might you be?"

The woman, after a moment of silence in contemplation, decided to ask a question to the man, her first visitor since the Creation, the Dawn of Time.

She knew the answer to her questions yet she still asked. Maybe it was out of pity? Maybe it was out of curiosity. Or maybe just purely for her entertainment.

"Oh!! Another human!! You must've came here from another world!!! Or universe!! Or multiverse!! Wait, maybe you're from my world!! Ahh I'm so happy!!"

The man, though shocked, continued his rambles to the other woman, whom simply sat down on a bark and listened to him ramble on aimlessly.

It was only when the sun went down did he stop and hear his stomach gurgle.

"Ah, sorry. It seems that I've been talking and rambling on for too long. Oh well. Time to return to camp!! Its been nice knowing you, uhh, miss...?"

Hearing him speak, she was about to respond with her natuve language when she realized he can't actually understand a word and might die.

After a moment, he was about to retreat from the awkward situation when she suddenly said her first words since meeting him.

"There is no need to know my name just yet. If this was before I would've gladly chased you off this property of mine. Though I'm not sure you could return to your 'camp'"

Showing an amused smile, she stood up and chuckled shortly before walking back where she came from.

"I have a place for you to stay, there's food there too."

She shouted with a soft voice.

Just as he was about to lose sight of the beauty, he came back to his senses and rushed after the woman, shouting,

"Ah!! Wait!!"

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