16. Bittersweet

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"Master really went out this time. Have you seen these imported flowers before?" The maid asked her companion while setting up the last vase with flowers on the dinner table.

"And these Salmon Rosettes! I have never ever seen those kinds before, let alone serve it." She exclaimed while putting down the golden cutleries around the delicacy dishes.

"Be careful with that Mousse cups, it's a work of art." The first one alarmed her quickly. Time was too short on their hand to indulge their selves in some gossip.


Kevin has arranged a surprise candle light dinner for his wife. He has been leaving no means to impress her on various occasions nowadays. Sparing no expense and ensuring every detail was as romantic as possible, he wanted to surprise Rose. The evening promised to be an unforgettable affair with an ambience of pure romance.

Carefully minding her slow steps Kevin brought Rose to the garden yard of the Knight's mansion, enchanting Rose with the exotic atmosphere around. Knowing very well this area is dear to his wife's heart, Kevin chose this specific spot for his desirable romantic affair. He pulled a chair out for Rose, guiding her to be seated before settling himself. Dinner was pre-served as he wanted their private time to remain undisturbed and it's every moment to be filled with warmth and intimacy. 

Rose was quite bemused by his efforts. From the colour of the flowers to the taste of her food, Kevin does everything based on her liking. Beneath the canopy of stars, surrounded by her favourite blooming flowers, serenaded by soft melodies and romantic dim candles, he intended for her to savour on the fancy gourmet delicacies.

Rose felt something unusual and engulfed in a tempest of emotions, being six weeks pregnant and Kevin's continuous efforts towards her for the past few weeks did not help her at all. At that exact moment, Rose did not really know how to feel anymore. Is it all because I am bearing his child. Must be! Rose thought. How can a person change overnight just after the announcement of pregnancy. Not like Kevin never did any of these arrangements for her before, he surely did, but the continuation of his unwavering composed gestures was something that kept Rose under worry. Her lone soul has always yearned for assurance but she did not want her wrestling heart with conflicting thoughts to misinterpret his ulterior motives for sweet kindness. She did not want herself to catch wrong impressions again, not anymore.

"Are you full already?" Sensing Rose's waning appetite and her worry-stricken face under the glow of the candles, Kevin demanded gently. 

"I am. But not with food." She confessed quite hesitantly embracing her honest self at that very moment. The more he deepens his arduous intensity, the more it tends to scare Rose. She dwells in her conflicting emotions and battles against them, she has learned his dark side in the hard way and it's too much to take.

"I know, Rosalia." His eyes were dark with determination and affection as they bore into hers. "I have been harsh at times  ... but I have been working on my patience. I only need your compliance"

A wave of anxiety coursed through her veins, knowing all too well the consequences of defying his will. Memories of her previous losses always linger in the shadows of her mind, a painful reminder of the price of her previous disobedience.

"I'm trying, Kevin. But I am scared..." Rose whispered.

Kevin's expression softened as he reached out his hand to caress her soft cheeks tenderly, his touch felt both comforting and suffocating at its intensity.

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