Malconner Hc

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hey y'all i'm back with the book I promised hope you like it 

Also at this point Sage is going to be automatically credited because they help me when I run out of ideas so now they'll just be automatically credited  just remember that I don't do all of these stories alone 

So everyone say thank you sage for helping me with these stories 

now let's get into the gayness 


Malcolm gets bullied by  the  aphrodite ( read as drew ) and Ares cabins and is highly disliked by his mother Athena who will never see him as good enough for he wasn't as smart or as strong as  his other siblings, while the Aphrodite cabin made comments on how he looks nerdy, weird, and ugly, and the Ares cabin always saying how weak he is and how he will never beat them or compared him to Annabeth and would occasionally beat him up just to prove their point.

Malcolm always believed them; that he wasn't handsome enough,good enough, smart enough,strong enough, that was until Conner came into his life.

Conner told him that he was good enough, handsome enough, smart enough, and strong enough; every moment Conner could he would compliment Malcolm on his looks,ideas, strength, and tell him how perfect he is. Conner would also he would whisper sweet things into his ears as they snuggled at night.

He would glare at the Aphrodite cabin daring them to bully him and to see what sick prank he could come up with, he would fight the Ares cabin not caring that he might get hurt, and when ever he saw Athena he would possibly but his arm on Malcolms waist and pull him closer, letting the goddess know that Malcolm was his and not to even speak to him.(why do I feel like all the Athena kids would have the sassiest significant annoyances ever and Athena is just done with them all)  

Malcolm didn't know how to thank him and show Conner how much he loved him and thanked him for all he had done,so he began to write all the things he loves about Connor in a notebook  that he brought everywhere with him. Conner always saw him with it, writing this down and smiling.

One day Conner got curious and imposlive so he stole Malcolm's notebook; Malcolm didn't even try to get it back, which only made Conner more curious, so he opened the notebook and read it he saw it was all the things Malcolm loves about him.

It made Conner smile and blush he then turned to his boyfriend and kissed him lovinging before pulling away and whispering so only they could hear "I love you more than Hades loves persephone"

Malcolm whispered back "I love you more than Orpheus loves Eurydice"

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