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Usually, on these kinds of days, Link would always drag me to a mountainous range for a spot of hiking, or to Gerudo Valley to gander at the various wonders. Today was slightly different, however. He'd found me by my usual pond as I was busy staring around at my surroundings, and had asked me to join him at the Great Plateau.

'Weird,' I had thought at the time as he helped me up from my seat on the grass, 'There's never been a reason for him to go back to the Plateau...'

By then, though, I'd learned that Link had a... peculiar mindset, but I trusted him enough to lead me to the Plateau without question.

We reached the plateau quickly, marvelling the springtime blossoms that bloomed across the grassy meadows. The temple stood proudly, and remarkably still intact, as Link took my hand and pulled me towards it. He hadn't spoken a word since we arrived at the plateau, and that slightly worried me, but yet again I knew I could trust his experienced ways.

The inside of the temple was still gloriously abandoned, with even more thriving vines climbing up the walls. The stone floor was covered in weeds and moss, but the statue at the centre of the temple remained untouched as ever. Link slowly strode over to the statue and bowed before it, and I followed suit, my upper half bending down to show respect to the gods.

Afterwards, me and Link stood side by side. He placed an arm around my shoulder, and I could feel my heart clench with affection as he pulled me closer to him.

"This place really helped me when I was first starting out to be the 'hero of Hyrule'..." Link finally muttered, continuing to look up at the statue in awe, "It's unbelievable how a statue like this could bring so much comfort."

I nodded in response, turning my gaze to watch him. He noticed my gaze, and looked down at me with a loving smile.

"I'm proud of you, y'know." I muttered to him.

He sighed happily. "Trust me, I'm just as proud of you."

He kissed my forehead gently, his hold on my shoulder tightening slightly as he held me even closer. His lips lingered for a brief second, but the tingling, warm sensation lasted for a while. I could feel my heart thump as we both continued to look at the statue, and I could hear him whisper softly in my ear.

"You're the best partnerI could've wished for..."

(Thank you for reading! Sorry it's so short lol, I hope you enjoyed <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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