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No idea when this will be updated. Read the tags.


"Korrine, can I speak to you?", at this, Korrine spun around from about to enter to his room.

"Hm?" Korrine responded as he stood there, a flat facial expression as his standing posture with a bit of a rock on his heels, showed clear hurry. The home owner quickly responded, "I'm going to be showing the house to a new possible tenant. Could you please clean up a little?" Korrine's eyes drifted to the rest of the house, here and there some dishes or chip bags laying around.

Maybe some soda cans, cookie trays, and tissues laying around as well. He'd give an annoyed sigh as he rolled his head back and shoved his hands in his pocket, "Yeah okay... whatever." The home owner nodded and headed out before calling to Korrine, "His name is Dalton by the way! He's a very quiet and clean guy, don't be crude to him!" And after the last word the front food to the house was shut. Korrine rolled his eyes as he thought about his potential housemate.
"Hmph. Dalton.? Alright.. At least he's clean." Is all he mumbles to himself before yawning and then heading to his room. Flopping down on his bed before opening his phone to message the homeowner: "What time is he coming so I can avoid him." Earning a response of "Not gonna get to know your housemate? You'll have to eventually. He will be there on Thursday, around 2pm." He rolled his eyes and simply replied "Count on me being out of the house." Before shutting his phone off, grabbing a pillow to cuddle up, as he closed his eyes and huffed a sigh then dozed off into a nap.

As days go by, the day his new potential housemate would arrive nearing, Korrine spent time working and playing games in his room. His room remained its normal clutter, it was slightly tidied up as he thought he might as well since he was going to clean the house up for Dalton.

The day arrived on Thursday, when Dalton came to check out the house.

Dalton got out of his car as the house owner seemed to have as well just pulled in the driveway before him. "Dalton! Welcome! I'm glad you made it! Let me let you in and have you take a good look at the place. Korrine, your housemate, is out right now. He has work." Dalton nodded as he followed and waited patiently for the homeowner to unlock the front door and move to the side once opened. Dalton went ahead and took gentle steps inside. Walking toward the kitchen of the house he would scan the rooms as he went. A wide and open living-room, a small but open dinning room, a smallish kitchen. He brought a hand to the island of the counter as he felt the cool and smooth granite. "So everything works right? No faulty appliances?" He asked. The home owner told him that Korrine has had no complaints so far and the last time he checked everything was about six months ago and everything seemed to be functional then. Dalton nodded as he moved to the stove and began to feel on it and mess with it. He felt for any problems and turned it on to see if any issues would occur.

He did this process with the rest of the appliances. He found some buttons did not work, the stove and microwave were falling apart a small amount, the toaster had a faulty spring, and some other small issues. But he assured that if the tools were provided he could fix the problems for free and wouldn't have any issues. As the home owner agreed to this he told him he would bring his tools to him the next day. Dalton agreed as he then walked to what is to be his new room, "May I check my room?" The home owner encouraged him to it as he welcomely opened the door for him. Dalton walked in with a little hesitation.

Stepping into his room he walked to the center and slowly spun in a little circle as he scanned it up and down. After standing for a moment he moved to a wall, taking a moment to intake his senses. Taking a smell to the air, brushing his hand against the wall, giving a small shout. He was taking in the feel. "Hmm." He moved to the light switch as he quickly flickered it on and then off. Then a medium speed on and off. And then slowly, on. And then off. He then moved under each lightbulb as he stared up, trying to notice any flaws. "Do you have anything that could reach the lights?" He asked. The home owner nodded as he walked off for a bit before returning, they in fact had a light bulb replacer thingy. He took a bit of a moment to fidget with each light bulb. Once done he asked to be shown where the light bulb wand, brooms, and such other things are kept. He was brought to the janitor closet. It was bigger than he expected, but housed barely anything. A breaking broom, an old looking mop, two rusted buckets, and baskets of stuff he couldn't even tell on the shelves.

He was about to open his mouth but it seemed the home owner knew what he was to say or ask, "Everything besides the broom and light bulb wand belong to Korrine. He's... not the cleanest but I'm sure he won't get in the way of the house being cleaned." Dalton was not entirely sure what to make of that, he simply asked, "Could I know more about my housemate? Anything that you can tell me." At this the home owner seemed to sigh and gain a look of disappointment mixed with distress, "Ah... well. Korrine is... grumpy. I won't lie. He's not super friendly. I know he is able to get along with people, he just seems to have some kind of wall up. He mostly keeps to himself but is rather nonchalant as I've been told. He's also honest with his words, he doesn't mean anything insulting or crude. He just... doesn't sugarcoat anything he says." From what Dalton was getting from this, Korrine is an asshole. He's likely going to be a small problem. "Is he the reason of the past tenants leaving? I don't see the appliances or housing being the problem."..."Eh... s-sometimes. It's been whenever his personality meets its own. Understand?"..."So he doesnt get along with other jerks?"..."Ah- Korrine's not a jerk persay. But yes, you seem to understand." Dalton nodded and the home owner added, "You being you, I think you two will live peacefully. Maybe not close friends or anything crazy, but peace filled lives."
Dalton nodded to this as he sighed, "Alright. I'd like to take a look at the back yard and then the bathroom."

And they did so. Dalton did more inspections to the house and in the end decided to go ahead and move in.

-End of Prologue -

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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