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This oneshot is going to be based off of this scene! ^


izuku POV


[proceed with caution!]

"Take a swan dive off of the roof while you can.." Bakaugo said harshly, before walking out of the classroom. His little goons laughed.

How could he say such a thing? I thought to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks.

He can't just say something like thay and get away with it.. that bastard! We used to be so close, and he just told me to kill myself? What the hell kacchan..

I felt so horrible. At this rate, I might as well do it, I'll never be a hero. I'm just a quirkless freak!

"There's no purpose of living." I said to myself, standing on the windowsill as I open the window.

I sit down on the sill, my legs dangle off of the building and my feet swing back and forth.

I notice my note filled book floating in the fountain below me. More tears rolled down my face as I stare at my book. All of those years of writing pages and pages of notes on heros.. all gone to waste.

"Whatever, I'll never be a hero anyways." I'd mutter under my breath quietly as I prepare myself to jump.

I was ready to jump, I was really going to do it.. but instead the classroom door busted open.

I flinched slightly at the noise of the door opening. I turn my head, looking behind me.

Kacchan stood there, blankly staring at me.

"Deku? What the hell are you doing?!" Bakaugo yelled as he quickly ran up to me, grabbing me and picking me up. Getting me away from the window.

"You- you.." I try to speak as I choke on my tears.

"I come in here to get a pencil, and this is what I come back to!" Kacchan yelled at me, which just made me cry more.

"You made me do this! I hate you!" I scream at him, and for the first time I see him feel remorse.

"I was fucking joking! I didn't expect you to actually try to do it!" He'd yell back, clearly frustrated again.

"Shit.." He cursed under his breath before hugging me. I flinch at his sudden action as I feel his body against mine.

I don't think I've ever been this close to him besides from when he punched me last year.

"I might hate you, but I'm not a monster.." He said, hugging me tighter, I finally hug him back..

A few minutes pass. We're now sitting by the window together, talking. Like.. aactually talking, not yelling.

The bell rings, he sighed before speaking. "Look, you are not to tell anybody about this, got it nerd?"

I chuckle a bit. "Got it.." I replied as he walked out of the classroom.

I feel something weird.. but, for once at least it's not hatred.

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