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I shut my eyes and rolled my head away from the sadistic monster. He was going to kill me, too, and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. It was all a game of chase to him and in the end when he catches me, he'll strike.

He got to know me so well that he'd be able to tell if I lied, and all this he found out over the course of three years. How could I've so blinded for a friend, that I let my walls come down for the first person who didn't treat me like I was duff? Loneliness, that was what caused my problems. I was so desperate for someone, a friend, who understood me and my pain that I overlooked the kind of monster he really was.

My mistake was telling Lloyd everything. He was the first to know whether I had the winter blues or was so angry I could hurt someone. When someone annoyed me, I told him, and he immediately took care of it. He listened to me like no one else with all the given attention and that was what made talking to him so easy. I knew that whatever, no matter the quantity of my problem, he took notice.

So naive I was to fall prey into the man's trap. If only I'd refused his offer, but, no, he was too cute to be dangerous in my eyes. I saw what I only wanted to see and beyond that were lies that my mind illusioned me with. He was my protector from the bullies, my guardian in place of my parents, my friend in times when I needed one, so how could he possibly be truly corrupted to the core? It was my mistake, from the time I accepted his friendship and lent him my trust. That mistake costed me a whole lot more than time could repair.

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