Chapter X

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The motorcycle parked in front of the Jang residence, and Aera got off it once the engine was turned off, taking a small jump to fall to the ground on her feet. Seojun removed his helmet at the same time that she left her head free.

— Jang Aera.

That deep and familiar voice of Suho made the girl tense, and of course that was visible to Seojun. The black-haired raised her eyebrows when she saw him stand up from the small steps at the entrance to the girl's house and walk towards them, his face had that look of confusion so typical of him, and it was something that Seojun liked, he liked it. He I liked that he felt threatened by his close relationship with his girlfriend. — Ah, I thought we were going to end well tonight. — Seojun complained, leaving his helmet on the seat of the motorcycle so he could put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, looking at Suho with a displeased grimace.

— What are you doing with her?

— And you? What were you doing with Jukyeong at karaoke? — Seojun responded to the boy's question, he knew that this would be a topic that would cause problems, and he enjoyed that, in fact, Seojun was not going to get involved in the relationship, but he was going to move his cards so he could have what he wanted. What had returned to obtain. Suho on the other hand, stood up straighter upon hearing such words, looking at him with challenging but trembling eyes at the same time.

He knew what he had done, he knew it had been wrong, but at that moment he didn't care because his girlfriend had just gotten off the motorcycle of the boy with whom he doesn't have a very pleasant relationship, at least not anymore, and that got in a bad mood.

— Yah, it's late, I'm tired and I want to sleep, so, both of you, go home. —The girl said she, standing between both boys, giving each of them a look. — Seojun, thank you for today, and Suho... Have a good night.

With that, the girl walked straight to her house, entering it and leaving the two teenagers outside, both with an uncomfortable and annoyed air between them.

Seojun made sure the girl was inside before deciding to look at Suho, putting on his natural, peaceful expression as always. — I told you to make up your mind, right?

— What is the problem if I don't do it? Are you waiting for me to choose so you can make your moves with Aera?

And Seojun wanted to hit him right then and there, his words "choose" as if the girl were something that had to be chosen, but he knew that if he punch him, that if he put his fist in his face, Aera would get him into her house to take care of him and the last thing he wanted at that moment was for her to interact with the boy, he wanted her as far away from him as possible.

He had to control his temper from now on. — I don't need you to leave her to be able to do my moves, as you call them... Just as you do your "moves" with Jukyeong right in her face, so I can do mine in front of yours. — Seojun approached him, changing his mocking expression to a more serious and almost angry one. —Do you like Jukyeong, Suho?

— Why do you care? Our common topic is Aera, not her.

— Topic? — Seojun asked with indignation and in a tone, certainly, offended, looking at his former friend almost with disgust at the label he had decided to use. — Aera may be a topic of conversation for you Suho, but it's not for me and I think you know that quite well, right? — Suho was going to answer him before Seojun interrupted him. — Let me tell you something, and this time, take it thoroughly... If you're going to choose Jukyeong in the end, leave Aera alone for once.

—If I leave her-

— Yes, if you let her I'll try to make my moves, Suho. — Seojun got tired, clenching his fists inside the pockets of his jacket, looking at the other boy with serious eyes. —And that doesn't have to interest you, you don't have to care about Aera's feelings towards others when now you don't even care about her feelings towards you.

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