17. Doubts

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"Do you have any idea what you are saying right now?" Rose queered being dumbfounded, both standing outside Kate's room in the dimly lit aisle.

Miliani looked down at the floor, her hesitant eyes refusing to meet with Rose but she had this feeling for quite some time. Especially after that day when she found those shredded pieces of Rose's photograph that too in the dustbin of this floor only.

"But I remember, this is the only room I was ordered to bring the beetroot juice" Miliani tried to reason with her. She was in the charge of delivering, no one apart from the ones in this room had received it she believes.

"Miliani, stop making things in your head." Rose scolded her in a whispering tone.

Not wanting to defy Rose, Miliani complied. Only Rose among the entire family seems kind to her, the only person she can truly talk to, who is kind enough to listen to her and understand her. Miliani has been obedient to Rose's guidance since the beginning. She trusted Rose's intuition over her own.

Rose kept tossing and turning in the giant bed, tousling with the strand of her hair thinking about what Miliani informed earlier. The accusation Miliani made was quite serious, pointing at someone who is mentally unstable and always accompanied by maids was a significant escalation.

But Rose was certain that someone intentionally had done the deed to hurt her during pregnancy. In her dubious mind, she kept putting together the fragmented pieces of the past incidents and tried to solve the puzzle. She was fed contraceptives without any of her knowledge, then the chef at her service burned his hand and to date has not reported back to the mansion, not even to collect his allowance and the accidental indemnity the Knight's estate provides. Rose has been keeping an eye and all of these in such a short span of time cannot be just coincidental or accidental.

Someone, for some specific reason, did not want Rose to become pregnant and is now trying to cause her to miscarry but why? Is it only to put her in a position of vulnerability before Kevin?

Rose was lost in the deep mystery of her mind when Kevin pulled her close, enveloping her in his arms securely. Rose turned her body towards him, she studied his serene features being soft as he was sleeping peacefully holding her close. Rose observed he has grown much more protective of his sister this time, leaving no hassles but meticulously arranging all of the best psychiatrists to visit Kate weekly, he is demonstrating his relentless commitment to his sister's recovery. Despite these efforts and heavy medications, Kate's condition showed no signs of improvement. The last doctor had warned that Kate was grappling with severe, unpredictable trauma and any continuation of intervention could worsen her state.

It would not be a great idea to let Kevin know about her silly scepticism. He would never believe her. Rose could sense, that after each doctor disappointed him with no positive feedback, he was one per cent more guilty towards his sister. But Rose could not dismiss those suspicions, just like that. She decided to talk about it with Miliani as she also had the same intuition that too before her. Rose needs to know what more of it Miliani knows.

' 𝓜𝓲𝓵𝓲 ' that was what written in cursive on the small wrapped up box which a maid delivered to Miliani this morning.

' If you don't come downstairs wearing it, I'll come upstairs for you - 𝘋 '
If this small note was not attached to it, Miliani would have returned it already. Even though she could not understand why Daniel would want to give her something, her fear of him was so profound that she dared not to defy him.

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