Ask any pro hero what their favorite thing about Red Riot (the number 5 hero) was, and most of them would say that Red Riot was always the first on the scene. No matter how far away he was or how scared the other heroes were, he rushed into battle without a second thought.

When he heard that a group of villains was attacking a school, holding young children hostage, he didn't hesitate for even a second before he rushed to help. He had made a promise when he was a student; nobody, no matter how young or old, would ever have anything to fear when Red Riot was around.

The group consisted of four villains. One manipulated magma, one could turn his hair into deadly spikes, the third could teleport, and the last one seemed to have a hidden quirk.

Assessing his enemies, Kirishima knew the best option was to call for help. Calling for backup didn't make you a failure, it proved you knew your limits. Children's lives were at stake here, Kirishima couldn't use this time as an opportunity to prove his strength.

"Red Riot at Kundan Private Academy in the third district. Four villains, three with known quirks. Requesting immediate backu-"

The fourth villain giggled as Kirishima's feed cut out. So her quirk could interfere with electronics? No matter. Word was already out, help would be on the way shortly. For now, Kirishima just had to keep the villains' attention.

The magma villain and the teleportation villain attacked in sync, hot lava trapping Kirishima as the teleporter appeared behind him, ready to attack. Kirishima activated his quirk and smiled. If he had learned one thing throughout his five years as a pro hero, it was that smiling seemed to unsettle villains the most. His smile also let the civilians know that he was there to save them. He would protect them no matter what.

She teleported right behind Kirishima, aiming a kick at his knees. He was able to sense it coming and hardened at the moment of impact before swiftly turning his upper body to strike at her. She yelped and stumbled backward, but her friend was able to pick up her slack. Magma shot out from the ground and Kirishima lept away, unsure if his quirk would be able to stand up against the intense heat and unwilling to test out a theory. The villain was a good distance away but he was still able to target Kirishima.

"You gotta have some sort of limit," the redhead muttered as he turned his attention back to the recovering teleporter.

She stumbled forward and prepared herself for another fight, but Kirishima moved faster. He dealt a blow to the head and knocked her unconscious, setting her aside in a safe place so she wouldn't be harmed.

"Magma is obviously the big issue at the moment," he said aloud, used to bouncing ideas off of Bakugou in the middle of battle. But he was alone right now. Nobody could hear him.

"Are you sure about that?" The second villain, the one who could turn his hair into deadly weapons, appeared from a nearby rooftop and started his assault.

Kirishima was ready, crossing his arms defensively and planting his feet in the ground. He reminded himself that he was the only protection these children had. And he hadn't even made it inside the school. There could be more villains waiting inside for him. He had to make this quick.

The hair spikes the villain created were only able to reach a few feet. The hair was unable to be removed from his head as well. Kirishima just had to stay out of range until he could get a hit in. So he went on the defensive, swiftly and expertly moving left and right to counter the spikes that the villain directed at him. He stayed low to the ground, keeping his center grounded and protected.

The fight reminded him of his debut. A villain who could manipulate a body part by turning it into spikes. He wondered if any of these villains were given quirk enhancing drugs before the fight. This guy was more composed than his debut villain. His movements weren't frantic. Amateur, maybe. Not frantic.

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