As the sunlight clashed between the blinds of my room i arise from my sleep. Tonight i had the BEST dream you could ever imagine. Me and christian.. sunbathing in the bright green grass, with every gust of wind my face turned redder. Sadly that isnt reality its all just a scummy dream, as i turn to look at my alarm clock i see its 7:40 "SHIT" i yell as i quickly change, make toast and run to school while eating it. I will now begin the story in a different pov.
"Shit shit shit! I hope i dont have to get a late pass!!" Gurnoor yells while running to school. When he arrives at the entrance he sees his senpai christian, plays soccer, athletic, dreamy... Oh how he wishes he could lick every drop of sweat he has. "Hey c-christian! Wanna walk-k to class together..?" He says ws his ears turn red. "Sure gurnoor, lets go" that day gurnoor and christain spent there time purely making jokes and laughing. "Its time to tell him how i feel" gurnoor thinks to himself.
The clock strikes 3:15 and every kid starts rushing and gushing out of the door. "C-christian wanna go to the parking garage and talk?" Gurnoor says with a slight mumble "sure, we could go if youd like, but remember its a Friday I have to leave earlier then other days" as they walk to the parking lot together they accidentally brushed hands. Gurnoors booty cheeks clenched up as he looked away. Fast foward to the top floor of the parking garage. They sat together for a good 10 minutes until.. *ring ring" christians phone rang. "Must be his mother" gurnoor thought to himself "hey gurnoor i have to go, my mom's here* he says walking off to the stairs "W-WAIT" gurnoor yells while grabbing his wrist to stop him "hm?" Christian says. Gurnoor takes a big grasp of air, looks down, clenches his feet "I've likes you for a really long time everything about you is perfect! Your intelligent, dreamy, athletic ur all i could ever ask for will you be my boyfriend~!!!*
As gurnoor slowly lifts his head up and opens his eyes he sees christian looking at him, DISGUSTED. "Ew what the actual fuck hell no, i don't do gay shi like that. Maybe if u were a girl but ur a dude, a man, a BOY... Fucking faggot thats disgusting, never talk to me again." He starts walking away as gurnoor in despair falls to his knees, Crying to himself. When he gets home he slams the door to his room blasting mitski all day long. 4:27 am he goes into his bathroom and just stares at himself. "Why couldn't i be a girl, why couldnt i be different" he thinks to himself while violently sobbing, after a while he looks up. "Why cant he just Like me the way i am." He says silently while going back to his room, for the rest of the weekend he continues blasting mitski, his parents get worried but never question it.
The dreaded day arrives and he walks into school, seeing christian on the way but he ignors him. The rest of the day is filled with gurnoor going to the "bathroom" just to sob, being alone, and getting stares from christian all day... But thes stares seem different, he tried not to think about it too much. At the end of the day he goes to the parking garage and up the stairs christian jumpscares him, pushes him to the wall and pins him there. "W-w-whatever ur g-gonna do t-to m-me just do i-it" gurnoor says, eyes closed shut, grabbing his wrist trying to get unpinned. "Fine, i will..." Christian says as he kisses gurnoor passionately. Gurnoors gaze softens and then starts speaking "w-what, is this some k-kind of sick joke..?" Gurnoor says in a stubborn tone "no it isn't, im sorry aboyt yesterday i was in a state of shock, id love to be yours." Gurnoor blushes hard while hiding his face. From that point on they continue having dates, having the best love life ever.